Chapter 30

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I played with her some games and then we watched some children TV shows.
"Can we play hide and seek?" she asked sweetly. "Yeah ... go hide. I'll count to ten!" I said putting my hands on my eyes. I heard her giggle and she ran to hide. "8,9, 10.. I hope you're ready cause I'll come to seek you!" I shouted playfully.

I searched for her in the kitchen, into the bathroom, but she was not there. I finally get to the bedroom and saw that the dressing room door was cracked so I sneaked in to see is she was there. A strange feeling took over me as I felt Brooke's scent. I was staring at her clothes and somehow I felt so hopeless. I was watching over her daughter while she was with John. He may not be her husband, but I definitely feel like he's her lover. I bet that Ashley's John's daughter.

I glanced over and saw something not in its place behind some clothes so I thought it was Ashley. I knelled down and realized it was a little box. I took it and opened it. I couldn't believe my eyes. Old pictures of me and her were hiding there. I felt my heart beating so hard it could jump from my chest. Memories came back to life and I was staring at the pictures. My breathing became harder and it was like I was out of air. We looked so happy being together. Why would she keep all these things. The bracelet I gave her our last Christmas, the infinite necklace I gave her on our first date, the half heart we split on the beach and all sort of things related to us.

"Hey, you were supposed to come and find me!" I heard a soft voice. I turned around quick to see Ashley. "Yeah, I thought you might be here!" I said putting everything in its place. "So Ash, I was thinking we should name our bunny!" she said taking it in her little arms.

"Well it's yours you can name it whatever you want!" I smiled ruffling her hair. 
"I'll name it Mr. Fluffs!" "Mr. Fluffs? well that's a great name!" I said still thinking about that box Brooke hide in her dressing room. "Do you want to see pictures of me from when I was little?" Ashley asked. I rose my eyebrows. "Yeah, I really want to." she stood up and brought a picture album.

"So this is from my birthday!" she said pointing at the first picture. "This is from my second one!" she said laughing. "Look at these people! They make funny faces!" she chuckled. It was Kate Josh and Ally, they were all with Brooke and Ashley in the picture. They looked really happy. I missed them so much. I couldn't believe I let all of this to happen. I should've fought for her more.

She showed me more pictures. "And this is from my last year birthday!" she said. It was her Brooke, Andy, Kate in the picture. "Are you 9?" I said looking at the candles on the cake.
"Yes, I turn ten next month!" she smiled "I'm a big girl now!" "Yeah, you're a big beautiful girl!" I kissed her forehead.
"So what do you want for your birthday?" I asked as she closed the photo album.

"I guess I want my daddy to come home!" she said making my heart to break as I heard the sadness in her voice. I looked confused at her "But where is he?" I asked softly not wanting to push the knife more into the wound. "I don't know, my mom said that right now other people need him, but I ..." she had tears in her eyes "I need him more!" she finally said breaking my heart as a few tears escaped her eyes.

"Shh, baby girl! You're okay, I'm sure he'll come!" I said taking her into my arms. Something was not right. Who was her father? "No he won't, he never does, he doesn't love me!" she said as I whipped her eyes with my thumbs. "Of course he does sweetheart, everyone loves you!"I said kissing her forehead once again.

"Do you love?" she asked looking into my eyes. A smile spread on my lips when I heard that "Definitely yes! I love you so much Ashley, you're my best friend!" I said trying to take her mind off of her father. I clearly couldn't understand either and I needed to ask Brooke eventually.

I stayed with her in my arms for some time and she fell asleep. I carried her ti her bed and just watched her sleep. It was already 9.30pm and Brooke was still not home.
I just sat there in silence meditating about everything and nothing made sense. Why would John cheat on his wife with Brooke? Why Ashley's father wasn't home? Was John really her father? What the heck is going on.
So Ashley's birthday is on 17th of September 2014. That means is impossible for John to be her father. He would've had to meet Brooke in January 2014.

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