"Tell them"

"What?" He looked confused. "Tell them. Tell them that I hurt Jimin. Tell them that I beat him. Tell them that I abused him. Tell them that I..."

If I have to get punched again then I must face it.

"That I....rape him..." I look down in shame. He spoke nothing and punched my face.
"You piece of shit. You really did it overboard. I can't believe you. You lost my respect Jungkook".

I felt like crying but I hold it in.

I look at him and said "I know Jin hyung..."

He shake his head and sigh
"You know what? I won't tell them. You already have one hyung who hates you now..I don't want the others to hate you as well"

"Let them Jin hyung...I deserve it..."

He shake his head and take out a first aid kit inside my drawer.
"No, I'm pretty sure Jimin wouldn't like that"

"He hates me.."

Jin hyung chuckle. "He's afraid of you, hate is only 50% right now for him"


Jin hyung smile a little and walk away.

"You should think before you do anything Jungkook... it's not easy for him to forgive you, you need to know that"

And then he close the door.

I stare at the first aid kit and there was a note in it.

I knew that I was gonna punch you but change your attitude Jungkook. That's all you need to do.

"You should think before you do anything Jungkook... it's not easy for him to forgive you, you need to know that"

Maybe I do need to change.

Maybe there is still the monster inside me....

I just need to change...
Everyday I would go to the park and just enjoy the fresh air.

Sometimes, Jin and Jimin hyung would come here and I would hide myself.

Jimin was the opposite when he's with Jin hyung.

He smiled a lot. He laugh a lot. He hugs Jin hyung a lot.

He is genuinely happy.

It's as if the table had turned.  Jimin had found someone that he would laugh, smile and do aegyo.

I wish I was Jin hyung....

So that I can see Jimin looking at me with no fear, no tears and no pain.

Just him being happy with me.

Sometimes, Jimin made eye contact with me and that was my que to run away from there.

Sometimes, I would read Jimin's diary to know him better.

27 December 2017
Dear Diary, you know... Jin hyung is always there for me ever since.
He comfort me when I'm sad, he gave me cuddles when I feel lonely. He made me laugh with his dad jokes.

I'm so grateful to have him. He's the reason why I get to forget this terrible world.

There was a picture stick on the page. It was Jimin and Jin making a kissy face. The bottom wrote
My Jin hyung ><

I'm jealous that Jin hyung can have Jimin....

30 December 2017
Dear Diary, This might be a bit cheesy but I wish that a guy would give me stuff toys and mangas!

Jikook Stories 2 [Completed] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now