Chapter 18.1 : Painful

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Recommended song:

Little Mix - More Than Words


"I'm opening the door".

Doctor Kim informed me before the glass frame made a click and slowly slid to the side, allowing the alpha to step inside. The moment the last wall between the two of us had been removed, I could sense his scent which took over the entire capsule in seconds. I could even feel it effect me since my heat was approaching very soon. The closer the dark haired alpha was to me, the more I stepped back until I felt the wall behind me. The smile over his face never dropped, his dark eyes locked with mine. I felt nervous, I didn't want any of this to happen. All I could think of was Jungkook, his warmth and the feelings he gave me. However, he had found himself someone new already which meant that I had to move on as well. This was the road fate had chosen for me, the truth that hurt more than anything.

"It's been so long, (y/n)".

The alpha suddenly spoke which also dragged me out of my thoughts again. He had reached my spot and was now standing right in front of me. He was much bigger than I was, his broad shoulders and beefy arms looking like they could easily crush me. He wore a black shirt and slightly loose pants, the tips of his hair reaching down to his neck.

"You know, it was hard for me to say nothing and keep my distance".

He admitted and raised his right hand, caressing my cheek with the back of his index finger. He tilted his head to the side a little and continued.

"All this time I've been watching you".

He leaned his face closer to my neck while his hand moved down along the skin. I felt his nose touch my neck before he inhaled deeply, taking in my omega scent.

"You smell so sweet, (y/n). It's a shame that you let another alpha touch you, even though you belong to me".

I couldn't stop my mind from recalling the moments of my first heat. The way Jungkook had touched me, the way he had promised to stay with me until the very end. Everything had collapsed so fast for me to cope with, I simply gave up and had given myself over.

"But don't worry, I'll make you forget about him quickly. You'll be in my care from now on".

He added and began placing kisses over my neck, his other free hand finding its way on the lower part of my back. He then pulled me in closer so that my torso was pressed against his, my weak arms trying to free myself but it was no use. All I could do was hold onto his shoulders and gasp softly at the sudden suction on my skin. The alpha was aiming to leave a dark hickey, wanting to mark what belonged to him. Closing my eyes as the sensation became uncomfortable, I remembered the warning which came from the other omega. They knew so much, many things that I needed to be aware of as well. The alpha then removed himself from my neck and stared at the large mark, smiling at it as he felt satisfied with the result. On the other side I was panting into his chest while trying to keep the remaining control I owned. After observing the state he had put me in, he turned his head to look at the men standing outside the glass and gave them a faint nod. Suddenly the capsule's walls turned black, blocking the view inside for the men.

"W-what is happening?".

I asked and glanced at the black walls, the room being lit by a few lights attached to the ceiling. The alpha looked back at me and smiled as he replied, his thumb caressing my bottom lip.

A Little Change ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon