Chapter 14.1 : Risky Attempt

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I found myself running again, running towards a faint light that stood in the far distance. I remembered this dream, it was the one I kept having on random days. However, the meaning was never clear to me so I kept continuing with what I started the dream with. I never stopped running, not knowing where to or from what. My breaths became heavier as I neared the light, figuring that it was actually a doorway. The light was coming from whatever stood behind that door frame, wondering what room it was. It may be that empty white room where I saw my mother's vase but I wasn't sure. Unfortunately, I woke up before I could reach the light so this dream stood, again, mysterious to my senses. I blinked my eyes open and immediately felt a small weight over my body. When I raised my head, I spotted Jungkook's left arm over my stomach. His face was turned to me, allowing me to take in his beautiful features while this alpha was in a deep slumber.

I remembered that he was massaging my legs and must have fallen asleep during the process. Even if he tried to ease my pain, my entire body was still aching from last night's force. The sun had found its way inside the room and illuminated it with its bright shine, filling the room with more comfort. The alpha's scent was all over the place. He was lying over his stomach and his other arm was underneath the pillow which lay above his head. His entire torso was exposed to my view, the blanket covering everything below it. His back was rising and falling in a slow rhythm, his brown messy hair almost covering his both eyes. I could watch him sleep forever and actually intended to do so, until I heard a buzz coming from the nightstand that stood on my side. I turned my head over and noticed that it was not mine but Jungkook's phone. I carefully stretched out my arm in order not to wake up the alpha and took the phone.

My eyes widened at the name that had popped up, Lucy had sent my alpha a text message early in the morning. I took myself a moment as many reason crossed my mind but quickly brushed them off before opening the chat.

<( Hey! It's me, Lucy! I got (y/n)'s phone, guess she forgot it at the bar. You guys should come and pick it up today if possible since I'll be gone tomorrow :P )

I faintly gasped at the fact that I had completely forgotten about my phone. I assumed that it must have been when Jungkook suddenly came and dragged me out of the building. I mentally thanked Lucy for actually having my phone and decided to reply.

( Yeah, we'll come by today. See ya soon )>

<( Woah, you got his phone?! )

( How did you know it was me???? )>

<( Because your alpha never replies... )

( Really? I didn't even know you had his number )>

<( Well, yeah. I got it when we brought you home after the houseparty. Should have told you earlier )

( Nah, it's fine. Don't worry! )>

<( Btw, why did you two leave so early?? Did something happen? )

( No, not really. Hey, I'm still using his phone... )>

<( Oh, yeah! Sorry XD See ya soon! )

( See ya! )>

I sighed deeply as I tried to hold in a laughter, not wanting to wake up the alpha. I looked over to find him still with his eyes closed, his head close to my waist. I found it sweet and kind of ridiculous as I watched him, comparing last night's beast to this sleeping prince. I then faced the screen again and left the chat room, wanting to put his phone back over the nightstand. However, just when I wanted to leave the message app, another message popped up. This time it was from an unsaved number. I knew that I shouldn't be looking at private messages of other people but my curiosity weighted more, forcing me to glance over at the sleeping man. I then inhaled and klicked on the message, opening the chat room.

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