Chapter 6.2 : Not Alone

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The time passed by quickly as I took in the promising view of the night sky, having my head still supported by Jin's shoulder. It was a nurse who interrupted our calm moment and asked us to make our way to our rooms. When we arrived at the elevator, I remembered that Jin came from one of the higher floors so I decided to question him about his reason to be in this hospital if he had been over his first heat already.

"Can I ask you something, Jin?".

He spoke a faint 'hm' as he turned his head to me and made it obvious that he knew what I was aiming for by staring at the bottles on his IV stand and looking back at me with a smile.

"You wanna know what I'm doing here?".

My eyes widened at his words, feeling like this male omega could read minds. I wasn't sure if it was okay for me to ask since it could be something personal or too sensitive for him to talk about but by the look on his face, he must be pretty unstressed about the question. I slowly nodded my head, feeling my voice get stuck in my throat and my heart beat increase for some strange reason. Maybe because I wasn't ready to hear for whatever reason he had to stay in a place like this and the fact that I might have to be here for the same reason bothered me. He seemed perfectly fine from the outside so it couldn't be any accident or fight he had gotten himself into. Either his immune system was weakened or he caught a strong infection that had to be treated intensely. Whatever the reason was, it made me feel uneasy and the only thing I hoped for was that I wouldn't get the same.

"That's because I was food poisoned. Apparently, I have a fish allergy I was unaware of".

He started laughing again, forcing me to let out a small laugh as well. At first, it kind of sounded ridiculous but then I remembered how dangerous food poisoning could be for omegas, leading a weak omega towards deadly results. It was not something to joke about but it couldn't be helped when this guy had a contagious laugh, taking everyone with him. We entered the elevators and pressed the required buttons for our floors, continuing our small talk.

"Thank god, you're okay. This isn't something you should be taking so lightly, you know".

"I know, I know. But I'm good now so no need to worry".

He winked at me while he had his hand over my shoulder. It was the first time that I felt comfortable when being touched by a stranger, though I wasn't even sure if he was a 'stranger' for me. I heard about the bonding which omegas get since they most likely feel and think the same, making it easier for them to build empathy and begin a strong friendship. I didn't care if the omega was male or female at this point, all I wanted and needed was a trustworthy and kind omega to be my 'friend'.

"Guess it's time to say goodbye, (y/n)".

I looked up and realized that the elevator doors were opening as it had reached my floor. Turning to Jin, I sent him a smile to show him how thankful I was for this night. He had honestly healed some of my open wounds and filled a few gaps I still was carrying with me.

"Yeah, thank you for everything. Please take care, Jin".

I softly spoke as I stepped outside the elevator and pulled the IV stand with me carefully, feeling a little sad and upset that I was alone again so soon. I turned around only to catch the last words he told me before the doors closed shut and broke our communication completely.

"You too. And try not to think too much about tomorrow! It'll be over in a blink of an eye!".

And with that, he was gone. I kept staring at the doors of the elevators, hoping they would open again and reveal the alpha I was crushing on and unknowingly craving for. If only he had thought of asking me for my number when we were at the park, I would have texted him. This wish made me notice that I needed to have my phone somewhere in my room, making me mentally slap myself for not thinking about that before. I quickly made my way to my room, walking past the reception of this floor and smiled at the nurses that were busy with some files but smiled back at me anyways. As I reached my room, I opened the door and threw myself inside, closing it behind me and stumbling a little during the action. I could only walk as fast as the IV stand allowed me to and found a bag on the ground next to the table. 

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