Chapter 13.2 : Timeless (+18)

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"Jungkook, wait!".

I called after noticing that the alpha was leading our way towards the entrance, he had decided to go back home already. He ignored my calls and kept on pushing his way through the crowd, dragging me in the process. I caught the sight of some confused eyes staring back at us and began acting normally, as if everything was okay since I didn't want to gain any further attention. We left the building and made our way towards the alpha's parked car, suddenly stopping at my forcefull pull.

"I said wait!".

I called again and watched him turn around, his frowning eyebrows being the first thing that caught my attention. His grip was still tight around my hand and it seemed that he was refusing to let go. He looked over to the people in the distance that stood at the entrance of the school hall before his eyes met mine again and spoke.

"Why were you with him?".

His words hit me like a truck, feeling a cold shiver run down my body. I blinked my eyes a few times and didn't know how to respond to him since I had never mentioned Jimin in the first place. I thought of it to be okay to do it now so I simply replied.

"He's a friend of mine, that's al-".

"I don't care if he's your friend. Stay away from that alpha".

He cut me off as he stepped closer, his voice deep and threatening. My eyes widened for a short moment before I stepped back, thinking of the second gender he had just mentioned.

"But he's not an alpha, Jungkook. I would've known-".

"You wouldn't know because he's too good at covering his scent".

Once more, he cut me off and looked at the people in the distance again. His frown never dropped off of his face but at least his tight grip on my hand loosened. After observing his words, I began putting the pieces together as I thought of the unknown alpha scent. I must have gotten it after meeting Jimin at the hospital. I mentally slapped myself for being so blind and kept silent since there was nothing else for me to say. Out of nowhere Jungkook leaned in closer to my neck and inhaled before he withdrew himself a little faster than he normally would. His eyes were wide and his lips slightly parted, forming another deep frown as he spoke.

"So that's the other alpha scent you came home with".

My heart skipped a beat at his words, feeling my blood run cold. I felt so vulnerable and weak under his stare, fearing the next things he might say or do. Having an alpha in life was like a dream come true, however, after meeting its bad sides it slowly began to scare me. Just like now, he seemed furious and jealous, two emotions that could lead one alpha to make regrettable decisions. His grip on my hand tightened again before he walked over to his car, dragging me all the way to his vehicle.

"Jungkook, I can explain!".

I said as I tried to free myself from his grip, knowing that it was cutting off the blood circulation and making my hand feel colder. However, the alpha only ignored my calls and used his free hand to put it in his pocket, taking out his car key. He used the key to unlock his car before opening the right back door and pushed me inside roughly, not allowing me to actually take a seat as he entered the car himself.

"What are you doing?".

I asked and turned myself to face him, watching him lock his car again and throw the keys on the driver's seat. He took off his jacket and dropped it down over the passenger seat. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on him until he held my legs and pulled them towards him, my back falling over the seats. He placed my legs on either side of him and then stopped moving, his eyes analysing my features. It was a very awkward position to be in, my dress thankfully still covering my private parts. My torso lay on the left and middle seat while Jungkook was kneeling on the right seat. The air became thicker as I finally understood the alpha's intentions. He was planning on doing it outside, in his car while we had parked only a few meters away from people.

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