Chapter 5.2 : Silent

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I threw him a glare to show him that this was not 'help' at all and that I didn't want any of this. I was simply controlled and forced by this man. Hearing the door opening, I felt hope and relief take over my mind for a split second, until I saw that it was a nurse who bursted inside. She was holding a syringe which caused me to panic even more. I tried to scream and free myself from the old man's hold but it was useless. The syringe entered my arm before I could even make a move, causing me to groan slightly at the sudden pain and out of anger.

"This is only for the best, (y/n). Now rest".

Feeling my strength leave my body as I slowly fell unconscious, I weakly grabbed the white coat of the doctor and did the last thing my body would allow me to do, I let my tears flow. I couldn't hold in the fear anymore and felt so hopless as he took my hand and placed it over my stomach before giving it a gentle stroke with his thumb.

"No need to cry. You're an important examination".

And with that my eyelids gave in and blocked my view. Feeling broken and angry that my parents, yet again, left me hanging and trapped with this man, I felt my body go numb as the life left my body.


Slowly opening my eyes, I let them adjust to the bright light in the room and when I remembered the incident earlier and jumped up into a sitting position with a loud gasp. This action caused another one, who was apparently sleeping with her upper body spread over the bed I was lying in and her lower body on a chair next to the bed, to wake up with a scream. I blinked at her messed up state and felt confused, yet thankful to see her. While she rubbed the sleep off of her face with her hands, I took in my surroundings and noticed that I was still in the same room.

"Goddamn. Why'd you wake me up like that, silly?".

I couldn't help but giggle at her tired state and immediately stopped myself after receiving a death glare from her. She must have been here for a long time since she would actually never fall asleep in places that weren't her house or my lap.

"Lucy, what happened?".

"What what happened?".

I rolled my eyes at her ridiculous sounding question and hoped that she actually knew what had happened when my heat occurred during the house party.

"Last night, at the party. Did Jungkook come to get you?".

She raised an eyebrow at my question as she settled herself on the chair properly.

"Last night? That happened two days ago but yeah. He did come and told me you felt bad. He did seem strange, though. You two didn't do anything, right?"

Sending her a blank stare, I thought back of the fact that I've been here for two days which meant that I had only one day left for my heat's appearance. Or only one day left to free myself from this place. I was glad that Jungkook had called Lucy but I still didn't know how I ended up here so I decided to ask again.

"What happened then?".

"Well, I followed him to his car and we brought you home-"


I shouted out and felt a headache occur, making me place my hand over my forehead in an attempt to dim the pain.

"Yes. We brought you home and when your parents saw us, they quickly called someone and thanked us for bringing you home. I think they brought you to the hospital cause Jungkook and I were asked to leave".

I had my eyes wide open as I slowly dropped myself on the bed and couldn't really believe what I heard from Lucy. My parents had seen Jungkook and with that, they were also proved that he was not an alpha-con but they didn't mention anything about him when I woke up, not that I had much time with them anyway. I needed to talk to them again.

A Little Change ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora