Chapter 15.1 : Stronger Bond

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Fear was the only emotion crossing my mind as I locked eyes with the alpha, worrying about the fact that my current state was misleading. I slowly lowered the phone but the alpha shook his head, placing his index finger over his lips in order to keep me silent about his presence. He made a hand gestures which told me to continue the conversation, raising the phone to my ear again. This seemed like a test, a tricky one if I acted thoughtlessly. My next behavior and words would choose whether it would take a positive or negative turn so it was up to me now. Our relationship was fresh out of the box, I didn't want to break or harm any side of it. I wanted to built it stronger and even better because I was desperately in love with the alpha in front of me. All I had to do was to prove it to him so I kept my eyes on Jungkook while I replied.

"This is gonna be the third time I'm telling you that I'm mated, Jimin. Don't look for any hope in me, look for someone else".

Surprisingly my voice sounded much more confident and calm than I had thought it would, mentally praising myself. I watched the alpha raising an eyebrow, probably wondering what our conversation was all about. He might have understood the main subject of it to which he frowned with his eyebrow the next second. Jimin only exhaled a faint chuckle before he spoke quietly.

"Was I just rejected over the phone? That was fast, you didn't even think about it. Maybe because he is there with you, you were silent for a little too long".

I could see the smile over his lips as he spoke, his voice sounding rather joyfull rather than hurt by my rejection. I couldn't help but sigh as I lowered my gaze, feeling the stare of my alpha still over me. He was boiling at the fact that another alpha had called me this late, jealousy and possessiveness striking once again.

"Jimin, I'm really tired. I'm gonna hang up now".

I said quietly and hoped for the alpha to get the message. The last thing I wanted was to create any kind of conflict in my own relationships.

"Alright, I shall leave you alone for now. Goodnight, (y/n)".

And with that I quickly hung up the phone and stood up, walking over to the alpha who was still leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"Why does he have your number?".

He asked coldly the moment I stood in front of him, sending me an angry stare. I inhaled softly and locked him in the eyes, trying to find any empathy as I spoke.

"Look, I can explain".

"I'm listening".


"I don't think I can wear this".

I said quietly after stepping out of the small cabinet inside of a clothing store, wearing a very tight and short dress. Jungkook was sitting on a single couch in front of me, leaning against its back support with his legs spread widely. The moment he saw me his eyes widened and he took himself a moment to look me up and down before exhaling a flustered chuckle and looking away.

"You're right, it looks too good on you. Try the next one".

He said as he turned his head again, his eyes never leaving my body in the process. I assumed that he took in every detail of the sight in front of him before losing it completely. I walked back inside the cabinet and closed the door. So much to going shopping with my fiance, he had made me try on plenty of dresses and seemed determined to find the perfect one. After the event with Jimin, I was told to delete his number and stay away from him to which I quickly obliged. Just like I had hoped for, I managed to save our relationship and built it even stronger. I slipped out of the tight dress and decided to try on the silver one. It was sleeveless and just above my knees, the perfect length for a night out. However, it wasn't suitable for the current weather so I thought of asking the alpha first before putting it on.

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