Chapter 3.2 : A New Side

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"And who would that be, doctor Park?".

As silence filled the room, I shifted in my sitting position nervously and eyed the doctor carefully. Having my dad take over my position in asking him this question felt a bit weird but I paid it no mind as I waited for the old man to speak. He then shook his head and stood up, leaving us three in wonder.

"I think it's just not the proper time for to know, (y/n)".

My parents stood up as well and accompanied him to our door but I couldn't move even one single muscle. It felt as if a massive pressure was pressed against me to keep me in place and do nothing, letting the people around me handle my issues and solve everything for me. Like a puppet, who's behavior is being navigated by others throughout the whole time.


Time passed by quickly and thankfully Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. I didn't know if it was a good sign but at least I could assure myself safe for now. The only thing bothering me was the fact that my heat was just around the corner. Though my parents told me not to go toschool for a while, I did and kinda regretted that I've made that careless decision. I met Lucy and sat down on the bench with her in the school cafeteria. Just when I took a sip from my drink, she spoke so casually and directly that it caught me off guard.

"Are you ready to give your lecture today?".


Trying to catch back my breath and have my air supplies work for me again, the thought of me forgetting about the task from art course had me mentally slapping myself. Because not only me, Jungkook was also being pulled into the guilt of a missing work which was my fault. Lucy immediately looked at me in disbelief as she sighed and took another bite from her apple. I didn't tell her but the fact of me choking and staring at my drink as if the answer was hidden inside of it gave it away and knew that I was screwed.

"And what about Jungkook?".

"I couldn't see him around so I guess-".

"What? Just because you couldn't 'see' him? (Y/n) you're an omega and he's an alpha! Something you need! And he's so perfect, how could you let such an opportunity slip off your hands!?".

"Opportunity? Lucy he is an alp-".

Remembering to be told to keep that information to myself, I stopped talking and dropped my gaze on my drink again. But that action was too noticeable for Lucy before she garbbed away my drink, forcing me to meet her eyes once more.


She spoke in such a demanding tone, I found myself obeying her instantlyas I felt the atmosphere tense up around me. She may be a beta but seemed mighty, making me wonder if that was also an effect of being an omega and thought of what could happen once I heard the 'alpha-voice'.

"A-alpha-con. Jungkook, he i-is an alpha-con. I know you weren't expec-".

"The fuck is an alpha-con?".

Lucy was studying medicine for specialist and therefore had more knowledge about the 'second gender' and undoubtedly knew a lot more than me ,resulting that the fact she told me that she had never ever heard of an 'alpha-con' before, after I told her everything, turned my whole world upside down, followed by me feeling dizzy and actually passing out.


"You think it was a symptome of her pre-heat? Should I inform doctor Park?".

"I'm not sure. Let's wait till she wakes up".

Soft steps were making their way towards my door as I assumed my parents had brought me home after I had passed out and fluttered my eyes open, only to catch the sight of an almost closing door.

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