Chapter 7.2 : Heaven (+18)

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A nurse called for my name and knocked again when none of us gave any answer. While I was still trying to calm myself down from the almost happening action, Jungkook climbed off of me and sighed in annoyance. He seemed to be aiming for the door without changing his appearance and showed no mercy when he swung open the door. Just before the room was revealed to the nurse, I hid myself under the blanket and praised my reflexes once again. The nurse gasped at the figure infront of her and turned her face away quickly. She was frozen on her spot and took too long to speak for Jungkook's liking so he decided to take the lead.

"Can I help you?".

His voice sounded low and irritated, most likely because he hated to be interrupted during a passionate foreplay, or at least a tried-but-failed passionate foreplay. I noticed that his voice sounded a little different, assuming that he was using a little of his alpha-voice which was also effective on betas. Her whole body was shaking and her voice was so faint that I couldn't understand what she said.

"I-I brought M-miss (y/l/n)'s m-medicine".

She slowly raised the tray in her hands and waited for the alpha to take it. Once the tray was off her hands, she bowed down slighty and dashed away. When the door closed again, I peeked my head out from the blanket and watched the alpha place the tray on top of the small closet. I noticed a cup and the pill that I used to take since I came here and remembered that one nurse warning me about them.

"I'm not taking that".

Jungkook's head snapped to me, confused on why I was rejecting my medical treatment. I knew that I looked like a selfish person who'd refuse medical support out of pride and decided to give him a small explanation.

"I was warned about these. They play with my heat-process and ruin my ability to control myself".

I blankly said as I remembered how many pills I had already taken and that the fact of me stopping now wouldn't save me anymore. The alpha threw another glance at the tray and nodded in agreement before his lips formed another smirk.

"I don't think you need them".

He winked at me and ran his fingers through his hair, exposing his forehead and causing me another minor heart attack. He walked back to the bed I was laying on and climbed on top of me again, his eyes never leaving mine. I was so taken aback from his action since it was my first time being so close with a male and couldn't do anything than to watch him as my heart would hit itself against my lungs.

"Now. Where were we at?".

He whispered as he lowered his face again, placing small kisses on my neck. I knew that the neck was the most favoured spot of an alpha but also the only spot that would bring me to my weakest in an instant which he took advantage of. I let out a small moan and felt small tingles attack my abdomen again. Every meeting between his lips and my skin sent shivers through my body. Normally, I would never let this happen so fast but it felt as if there was another person controlling my body. I wanted this and knew that I needed this, but not now.

"You were going to change and I was going to shower".

I gave his left shoulder a little push as I spoke, forcing him to look at me and acknowledging him the seriousness I felt for priorities. And with priorities, I meant the personal space and bringing forward the emotions of the other person. He might seem like he has been waiting for this moment his entire lifetime but I did not. I wanted to be ready physically and mentally when I willingly submitted to him. I could tell that he was a little irritated at my sentence but more at the fact that he couldn't deny it. He pushed himself off of me once again as he spoke.

A Little Change ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن