Chapter 7.1 : Heaven

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Recommended song:

The Neighbourhood - Heaven


My eyes snapped open at the name the nurse gave away. It was the first and the last name I wanted to hear at the same time so I didn't know whether I was being excited or scared of the fact that the alpha had come here. As his intoxicating scent entered my nostrils, I pulled the white blanket over my face. I didn't notice the silence in the area but I did notice that my bed was being dragged again. I was kind of disappointed as I heard doors opening and closing right after we entered the room. I had reached my destination and was gonna stay here for the next days. I waited for the nurses to leave the room before I pushed the blanket off my face and revealed my sweaty face to the room. The sudden cold air felt good against my hot skin when I exposed my whole body but I started to sweat again as my heat shot another burning wave through my body. This room was different than the one I was in before. 

It was a little smaller, enough to fit in a large bed and a small closet and had no windows. However, it had two doors which could be a bathroom since the other one was the entrance of this room. I then noticed that I was in a bigger bed, wondering if they had changed it while I was sleeping. Feeling dizzy again, I placed my right palm over my forehead as I started to take heavy breaths unknowingly and felt tingles in my abdomen awaking the desire to mate. While my whole body wished for attention and physical contact, I fought that wish and groaned as the heat in my body started to unsettle my thoughts. I was forced to close my eyes due to the lack of control I had over my mind and tried to focus on other things then on an alpah's touch as I layed myself to my right side.


The sound of a door opening emerged in the room, followed by carefully made steps before the door was closed again. I knew that someone had entered the room but couldn't find the strength to turn around and check. But in the next second, I was aware of who the person was. As he kept stalking towards me, I could hear him unzip his jacket and assumed that he tossed it on top of the small closet. Only my heavy breaths echoed through the room when the sound of his steps vanished before a faint rustling sound appeared, guessing that the person was taking off his shoes since I assured myself that he was now next to me. My back was turned to him and my eyes were closed so he couldn't tell whethered I was awake or not. When I felt little pressure creep on the side of my bed, I could tell that he had sat down. I used the last strength i had and turned my head enough to see through the corner of my eye. He was sitting there with his back to me. His head was hanging low as if he was trying to get a hold of himself. His tight white shirt defined his back muscles and allowed me to have a better look on him. This action only worsened my state as lustful thoughts attacked my mind.


I said with a very dry and weak voice and watched the alpha react to my call. He raised his head and slowly turned his head to let me have a better look. He seemed to be completely flustered at the sight of me, making me notice that he was taking in my scent just like I was taking in his. He seemed hesitant before he spoke as he licked his lips.

"Are you sure about this?".

His voice was low and hoarse, turning his face forwards again to avoid the alluring view behind him. He was trying to keep his remaining control over his behavior, though his mind must be running wild. I was a sweaty mess and probably releasing a scent that no alpha could resist. Referring to our state, he wanted to let me know that this decision wasn't an easy one and shouldn't be taken so lightly. I was impressed at how much he was able to maintain the control over his alpha instincts, even though there was a tempting and eager omega, ready to be mated.We both knew that we were attracted to each other but we had to take small steps. To build a strong and beautiful bond, we needed to be careful and willing to give ourselves to the other person. While the alpha would take most of the control of the relationship, the omega had to show full submission. Jungkook wanted to make sure that I was ready for such a big step and for such responsibilities. He wanted me to know about the consequences and wanted me to accept them. He was acting so thoughtful which made me fall in love with him even more. 

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