Chapter 5.1 : Silent

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Recommended song:

The Neighbourhood - You Get Me So High


The cold air was hitting my sweaty skin as we both stayed in the same position for the next few minutes. The alpha kept on taking in my sweet scent which was probably pleasing his alpha senses and sending him false thoughts. I managed to reach for his right shoulder with my trembling hand and tried to push him away from my neck but ended up gaining his attention instead. The distance between our faces was alarmingly close, causing my heart beat go even wilder as I felt my face burn even harder. I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't make any words leave my mouth as I felt another scent hit me. It got more intense the longer he was staring at me, making me lose all control and exhale sharply. I wondered what that intoxicating scent was before closing my eyes and letting it enter my nostrils.

"(y/n), do you feel it?".

I opened my eyes at the sudden question that was spoken with a low husky voice and was met with a serious yet impatient alpha whos breathing started to increase its speed. He seemed a little irritated, making me fearfully think about the answer I had to give him. If he was talking about the scent that just took over my mind and brought me to my weakest, I had no other choice than to tell him the truth since I couldn't think much anyways. I lightly nodded my head and exhaled unconsciously at the fact that my answer was correct since his facial expression turned into a pleased one. He seemed satisfied with my response and smiled while letting out a faint laugh. Leaning in again, he inhaled but this time his wet lips brushed over the soft skin of my neck, sending shivers through my whole body.

"I knew it was you".

He grabbed my left hand and placed a soft kiss on its back before he got up to his knees.

"But I won't touch you yet".

Blinking in confusion, I tried to control my mind which was running wild and hoped for this intense feeling to leave me soon. I closed my eyes as the overwhelming feeling took over and suddenly felt strong arms slide under my knees and back, raising me slowly from the ground. When I opened my eyes, I caught the sight of the alpha who was currently carrying me bridal style. My throat felt dry and wouldn't let me speak but I tried to fight that fact anyway.

"J-Jungkook, w-where are we g-going?".

With much effort, I managed to question him while the overwhelming heat took over and forced me to break into an intense sweat. That made him look at me with his two black orbs that bore holes through me. My mind was attacked with so many thoughts and feels while my body was being tortured by the intense heat. I had no idea what was happening or what was going to happen and hated the fact that it was happening while I was outside of my house, feeling tears form in my eyes.

"To my car. I'm taking you home".


I tried to yell out at once after what he had just told me. Going home at this time and like this would mean the end for me. And if Jungkook was the one taking me there, my parents would lose it entirely and lock me inside forever. The thought, that if Jungkook took me home I could proof them that he was no alpha-con since he didn't use the opportunity to please his desires, flashed before my eyes for a split second but the consequenses where too dangerous for the two of us so I brushed it off quickly. Noticing the confused alpha, I turned my head away since it was too difficult for me to look straight at him without blushing and tried to make it understandable for him.

"Please, g-get Lucy. I need her".

He took himself a second to think about it and nodded before unlocking the back door of his car and placing me inside gently.

A Little Change ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora