Chapter 9.2 : Changes

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"Mom! Dad!".

I yelled as I ran down the stairs carefully so I didn't cause any unnecessary accidents and ended up in the hospital again. My body was filled with adrenaline as I bursted inside the living room where my parents where watching a movie. Both of them flinched at my sudden presence and seemed like they were waiting for my arrival since I let them know by calling for them. They were both looking at me with wide eyes as they speechlessly watched me struggle to calm myself before spilling the tea.

"What in the world is going on, (y/n)?".

My dad broke their silence first as he got up and walked up to me. He held my hand and led me towards our couch so I could have a seat. When I finally calmed down, I looked them deep into their eyes as I spoke.

"Doctor Park lied to us-".

"No, not this again".

My dad complained, refusing to hear what I wanted to say. Just when he made his way out of the room, my mom took over with her sharp voice.

"Let's listen to her, darling".

Her sentence was actually a warning for my dad as she formed her eerie smile on her face which was enough for my dad to make him take a seat next to her with only a weak nod.

"Alright, (y/n). We're listening".

When she turned to me, her features softened as she smiled at me. I was hyped with determination and knew that I had to finish this once and for all. I took a deep breath before I started to tell them everything.


"This is just pure rudeness! We trusted that man!".

My mom fiercely yelled across the room as she walked from the one side to the other angrily. My dad was showing mere confusion as he kept his seating position on the couch and rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. Watching their reaction was fun but I had to stay serious and focus on their next judgements. They would either cut doctor Park out of our life with no words or go and have a stern talk with him but knowing how good this man was at convincing my parents, I preferred not to have them talk with him. He could easily make up another declaration about this situation and take away the win from me.

"We have to talk to that bugger!".

She yelled again, making me leave a short giggle at her choice of word to describe the doctor with. Knowing that my mom would aim for an immediate talk, I decided to present another way to deal with this problem.

"Let's cut him out entirely. We don't need him anyway".

While my mom seemed to consider that idea, my dad shook his head before he sighed.

"We can't just cut him out entirely and I'm sure there's a misunderstanding somewhere but for now, let's just focus on your future".

His voice was so calm, almost too calm for my liking and it seemed like he searched for an escape from this conversation. I didn't want to pull it any further so I gave in and nodded in agreement. There was a small silence in the room before my mom spoke to change the topic.

"So, is this Jiunkug coming?".

"Yes, mom. Jungkook is coming tomorrow at six".

I made sure to pronounce the alpha's name in the correct way, so she would notice her mistake, eventually receiving a laugh after an apology from her. 

"I'm telling you, (y/n). If I don't like him, I will chase him out of this house".

My dad jokingly teased and raised an eyebrow when he did. I rolled my eyes and stood up, not being in the mood for a joke about Jungkook since I was still having this issue with him. However, I felt small excitement bloom inside me for seeing him again tomorrow. I had missed this place so much. The familiar atmosphere, my parents presence and the smell of home. 

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