Chapter 4.1 : Too Delicate?

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Recommended song:

Taylor Swift - Delicate


"I wanted to talk about us".

As an awkward silence approached us slowly, I felt my cheeks burn red and yet again I was glad that the cold weather could take its blame. I looked deep into his eyes as if I could find any answers in them and tried to stay as calm as I could. While one side of me forced me to run and never look back, my other side wanted me to stay and listen. This could either be the beginning of something great or mean the end of my not-so-troubled life. I didn't have much time to think as Jungkook cleared his throat, probably being certain of what he had just done.

"I meant our lecture".

That gave me a feeling as if an arrow flew right past me, almost hitting my throat, making a huge wave of shiver run through my whole body. I couldn't tell if it was caused by relief or disappointment but I sure as hell knew that I had to keep listening. I had completely forgotten about it.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry, I forg-".

"Don't worry, your health is more important".

Never in my entire life have i ever felt this strong urge to 'aw' so hard. His voice was so calm and soothing, I could talk with him forever. Quickly brushing off these thoughts, I turned my body towards him and gave him an apologic stare.

"I'm really sorry, could you tell me how it went?".

It seemed that he did like the way I spoke to him cause as soon as I did, an amused smirk formed on his face and he leaned backwards, turning his face forwards for a split second. A small laugh could be heard from him before he then turned his face towards me again. His eyes studied my every facial feature and then met mine.

"I did it by myself and it went great".

My mouth went agape with shock and confusion as i took in every word the alpha was so calmly and simply telling me as if it was no big deal. The fact of him being proud of whatever he presented the class and caused us both to gain amazing results scared me since I had no idea what he told them about me. It could be anything.

"Woah, that's awesome but what did you tell them about me?".

I wasn't even feeling sorry anymore. That he had to make the presentation by himself was the last thing that concerned me at this very moment. My mind only screamed for that answer and I knew that if I didn't get it, I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight.

"Again, don't worry. You're healthy and our results are good. And that's all that matters".

He turned his face forwards when he spoke but kept that proud smirk on him while doing so. He then streched his arms and laid them over the bank rest causing me to flinch slightly. I didn't know what to do anymore. My whole body was completely frozen and unsure how to react if he happened to attack me now. In case I had to run, I reminded myself to take the buns with me. Though my sight didn't show the alpha, I could feel his intense stare on me. His right leg started to move right and left slowly and, once again, an awkward silence approached us. But this time it was different. I wanted to break it. I felt the urge to ask him what he was thinking of at this very moment but i was too scared. Fighting against my own will, I turned my head slowly towards him and felt my cheeks burn again when the boy looked like as if he waited for me to face him. Because when I did, he winked. That action forced me to quickly drop my eyes on my layered thighs and pull my hair strands behind my right ear. He was either playing with me or he was simply just attracted to me. I couldn't tell since he was an alpha and I never really had anything with boys so it was all new to me.

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