Chapter 8.2 : First Steps (+18)

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I stood in a white empty room where silence had taken its place. The only thing infront of me was a small table with a familiar looking vase on top of it. It was the one that belonged to my mom before it shattered into pieces by the swing of my arm. She told me that she got it from her mom when she visited her at the hospital after giving birth to me and the last present she got from her. The vase held a lot memories and was the only connection between them since my grandmother's dead was caused by a car accident which was totally unexpected. Life did not let them have their last time and did not let me see my grandmother at all. I felt guilt run through my mind as I stared at the vase. It wasn't broken, it stood on the table in one piece and looked pretty shiny and had red flowers in it. I felt a tear run down my cheek and was ready for any challenge only to turn back time. I wished I never decided to leave the house only for a house party which only caused me even more trouble but they always say that everything's for a reason.

I hoped the reason for me to leave the house was worth me hurting my mom's feelings. I wanted to grab the vase and run to her, give her back the piece and apologize on my knees. Just when I reached my hand out, a strong wind blew from the left and caused me to take a step to my right in order to gain back my balance. My hair was covering my view but when I heard a loud crashing sound, I feared the worst. When the place had calmed down again, I noticed that the room was slighlty darker and both, the table and the vase had falled to their left. I stared at the broken vase as a faint gasp escaped my lips.


I dropped myself on my knees and held my hand above the vase, trying to save the situation in any way possible but it was no use. It was broken into smaller and bigger pieces but my determined-but-stupid personality wasn't planning on giving up so I grabbed one piece before dropping it quickly when a sting hit my index finger. I saw blood run down my finger and took it as a warning and a life lesson when I suddenly bursted out crying. It wasn't the broken vase that hurt my feelings, it was the acceptance that I hurt my mother's feelings.

Broken things cannot be fixed again


"So, she wasn't informed?".

"No, sir".

Hearing faint voices from across the room, I slowly opened my eyes and met the sight of an irritated looking alpha standing at the feet of my bed with his arms crossed. I then noticed two nurses who stood on every side of me and felt a wet item touch the hot skin of my neck, sending a shiver down my body. Leaving a faint gasp at the cold sensation, I saw the alpha clenching his jaw the more the nurses touched me. I didn't know what was going on so I drove my eyes on doctor Park who was talking with another nurse.

"You're finally up, (y/n)".

He spoke as soon as he met my eyes and walked closer, stopping right next to the unpleased looking alpha. The doctor didn't seem pleased himself so I guessed that something severe must have happened while I was still sleeping. I remembered the dream I saw just seconds ago and felt the urge to see my mom. As another shiver ran through my body, I gasped and faced Jungkook again who was seemingly waiting for me to look at him before he sectrely pointed at his neck, trying to notify me that the issue was on my neck. I knew that he had placed his mark on my neck and felt even more confused when I couldn't make up any reasons for an issue.

"What's going on?".

I finally managed to ask with my sleepy voice and watched the doctor hold up a paper which I assumed was the one I was forced to sign but refused.

"This,(y/n). This paper says that you'll be getting the 'special treatment' if you need it. You are not allowed to ask another alpha from the outside for help-".

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