Chapter 9.1 : Changes

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Recommended song:

Rita Ora - Anywhere


"You got everything, darling?".


I answered my mom while zipping my bag shut. I was finally leaving the hospital after the permission was given to me since my first heat cycle was officially over. I had to go over a last blood sampling this morning before I could leave. I threw my bag over my right shoulder and walked up to my mom who was waiting for me at the door. As we left the room and walked through the corridor, I decided to check my phone for any messages or missed calls. Since my phone was taken away from the nurses, I couldn't answer anyone. I saw a few messages from Lucy and my mom but none of the alpha, what I had hoped for the most. He had left this morning, saying that my parents shouldn't see us together just yet. That reason seemed weird to me since I've got to tell them with whom I spent my week with anyway. But that wasn't the reason why I felt so uneasy, it was the alpha's odd behavior. He was acting differently during the last days and caused a tension to disturb the calmness between us. Maybe he felt troubled or he just wanted to give me some space after everything that had happened between us.

Maybe he didn't want to put me under pressure or he was simply upset with me. I had so many thoughts in my head again that I didn't notice the glass door in front of me and walked right at it. 


I hissed when the glass met my head with a strong force but thankfully it didn't break. Holding my forehead with my hand and trying to fight back the throbbing pain, I heard my mom gasp before laughing. I shot her a glare and walked past her, hearing her laughter follow me out of the hospital. As we entered the parking lot I heard a familiar voice call for my name, making me snap my head towards the sound. I caught the omega I had met days before and couldn't help but smile after remembering the calming moment he gave me. Jin seemed healthier and was wearing casual clothes, assuming that he was leaving as well. 

"Jin! You're also leaving?".

I asked as he jogged towards me and went in for a tight hug. He looked at my mom and greeted her as well before placing one hand over my shoulder and spoke.

"Yes! I've healed and looks like you've healed too".

He wiggled his eyebrows and received a loud laughter from my mom and eventually laughed as well. All I could do was leave a faint giggle since I was only thinking about Jungkook's little issue which caused him to leave so spontaneously. Jin didn't seem to notice my inner unrest and kept talking.

"How did it go? I hope they didn't traumatize you".

He laughed again but not as loud and long as before. I shook my head and faked a smile before answering.

"It was an intense experience but I think it went good".

I said and while I spoke, I noticed a tall man standing next to a car that had its door already open. He was looking at our direction and seemed to be waiting for somebody. The omega in front of me must have noticed my stare and turned around before speaking.

"Don't worry, he's just making sure I'm fine. That's Namjoon by the way".

His voice exposed the joy inside of him as he mentioned his mate who was an alpha as well. The fact that his mate was watching him and making sure of his safety seemed so lovely, he was giving him space and protecting him at the same time. However, he seemed very serious and unfriendly, making me guess that he might want to have his mate back as soon as possible. 

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