Chapter 19.1 : Breathless

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"Jimin, can I ask you something?".

I asked the blond alpha as we made our way through the corridor. I had thought back of the reason on why he had come back with Jungkook while I had struggled to keep a safe distance to Taehyung. I felt the strong urge to know so I brought my thoughts to words. The alpha only turned his head around but continued to walk, his raised eyebrows notifying me that he was all ear.

"Why did you come back with Jungkook?".

Just as expected, the alpha exhaled a chuckle and faced the front again, clearly displeased about my question. I figured that Jimin didn't prefer me talking about my mate when I was with him, since he still wanted me for himself. It was a complicated situation we were in, one that could bring chaos if not handled correctly.

"You see-".

The blond alpha then suddenly began, catching my full attention as I walked behind him. Not only did I feel curious, but also worried about the answer I was about to receive.

"-When I went to him to get your phone, he was pretty pissed. He kept on asking me where you were and demanded me to take him to you".

There was a short pause in his words, hearing the alpha sigh deeply before he continued.

"I told him that I had actually brought you back to him but you saw him with another woman. You had to see his face when he realised how screwed he was".

The alpha turned his head to meet my wide gaze again, a bright smile over his face as he recalled the scene on his mind. However, I found no joy in the slow telling and decided to rush the alpha.

"Just tell me already! Who was she?".

"Apparently that woman was his mother".

He replied and turned his head forwards once more, amused by the jaw drop he had made me do.

"His mother? So, that means that-".

"Yes, that woman wasn't his new mate so you still belong to him".

Jimin cut me off and smiled but this time, it seemed forced. He didn't like knowing about these news, he didn't like knowing that Jungkook and I would get back together. He wanted to grant me happiness and he wanted to be the one giving it to me, he still wished to mate me. Meanwhile I had dived in another round of deep thoughts, not realising that we had already reached the room.

"Are they both in here?".

I asked quietly and pointed at the door, making sure my voice wasn't heard from the other side.

"They were treated here but I think Taehyung already left".

Jimin replied and placed his hand over the handle, knocking on the door before opening it slowly. The room was small and quiet, sensing Jungkook's alpha scent the moment I stepped inside. Next my eyes met the alpha's, a strange yet warm pressure building inside of me. He was sitting on the mattress of a hospital bed, a new arm sling around his shoulder. There was a huge bruise under his left eye, a small wound over his bottom lip and a bandage on the right side of his forehead. Those details weren't the first things I noticed, it was the fact that he wore a tank top and his beefy biceps were exposed to my bare eyes. Even his arms were covered in faint cuts, wondering how the situation even escalated between the three alphas. I heard the door being closed behind me, looking back to see that Jimin had not entered the room. He must have decided to grant us some space, feeling thankful for his thoughtful choice.

"Hey, princess".

The alpha greeted while his eyes took a quick glance at my body, making sure my current condition was on good terms. The atmosphere felt kind of awkward after remembering our last discussion, the way he had refused to listen to me. I still felt slightly upset and was hurt by his actions, not being able to move any closer to the alpha in front of me.

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