Chapter 6.1 : Not Alone

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Recommended song:

BTS - Let Me Know


Neither did I know when they left nor the reason for their disappearance, all I knew at that moment was that they were not alone. As I eavesdropped the adults outside my room, I could hear another male voice which was unfamilir to me. I wondered who that person could be and why they spoke outside my door when I was the reason for them all to be here in the first place. The other male voice sounded deeper than Doctor Park which made me quite uncomfortable when the door opened again. I could see Doctor Park looking at another direction and nodding while my parents entered my room, leaving me wonder just who the other person was. I knew that I had the right to ask them since I was the center for this treatment and wasted no time in doing so. When the doctor walked in and closed the door behind him, I immediately sat up and asked away.

"May I ask why I was left alone so suddenly?".

I caught the cold and unwelcoming stare from doctor Park as he made his way to the table next to the bed I was laying in and decided to ignore my question but that didn't bother me too much since my dad was the one who helped me out.

"It was the senior doctor. He checked if everything's okay, sweetie".

According to the sound of my dad's voice, he seemed pretty pleased about the fact that these doctors looked so 'caring' and 'nice' which was irritating me since I was the one getting to see their true sides. And when I said their true sides, I meant their dark true sides. I thought that if the senior doctor came as well, I really must be special for them. But why won't he enter the room and introduce himself to me, if he was the one controlling all of this. Just when I wanted to ask another question, doctor Park took over.

"I'm afraid you must take your leaves now. The visit time is over".

He coldly said as he walked towards the door and stood there, waiting for my parents. My mom came to me first and embraced me tightly before my dad joined us, queezing us all.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. Just behave, baby".

"We love you".

"I love you two, too".

It felt so good to have them back after all these tough weeks. Nothing in this world felt better than family-love and I sure as hell needed it the most during this time. I could swear that I felt a teardrop fall on my shoulder as my mom withdrew herself and gave me one last sweet smile before they stood up and walked towards the door as slowly as possible. They kept looking back and made the journey to the door oblong in order to increase the last moments until they finally left. Just when I wanted to start crying, the doctor spoke before closing the door.

"You are now free to roam around the hospital until 9 pm and in case you still want to take a shower, there is a small remote next to your bed. The green button will call a nurse for you. Good evening, (y/n)".

And with that, I was left completely alone again. It felt awkward not being able to express my true feelings and thoughts because when I had to, I was completely shut. Feeling as if I was surrounded by iron walls. I've always been weak at expressing and confessing but it never really bothered me so I didn't work on my social skills. But now I noticed how much I needed to face these issues and change these facts about me. I needed to become stronger. Mentally and physically. This might be an effect of being an omega which everyone believed but i knew that I could change that.


Streching myself as I slowly woke up, I groaned lightly as I felt my tense muscles relax and threw a quick glance at the clock which said 8:16 pm, sighing in relief when I found out that I still had time to explore this place. More like, work on my not-so-hopeful escape plan. I pulled the white blanket off me and got off the bed carefully. Holding onto the IV stand, I slid my feet into the slippers my mom had brought me and made my way to the door. I opened it slowly and peeked my head out first, checking if there was anyone around. Though, I was allowed to leave my room, I wanted to make sure that no one saw me when I would enter the restricted areas for patients. Just as expected, this floor only had a few nurses that seemed too distracted in their works that they didn't even notice me stumbling at my own feet when I left my room. My grip on the IV stand tightened as I started walking down the hallway as I followed the signs that led to the elevators and noticed then, that I was on the third floor of this hospital. I also took note of the strange smells that were flowing in the air when I had left my room and felt a little uneasy as it got stronger, the closer I got to the elevators.

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