Chapter 12.1 : Unforgettable

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Damn, it's been so long. I don't even remember half of the story so forgive me if I write bullshit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My eyes widened at the sudden question, wondering why he would want to see me after all this time. He was not letting go so easily, yet he was also not forcing me to anything. I felt the invisible time run out so I exhaled before I answered swiftly.


"Great. Please meet me as soon as you can".

I wasn't sure if I made the right decision by accepting his offer and knew that the alpha would get really upset about my thoughtless action. However, there was a faint voice telling me to go and listen to his last words. The room was quiet as I looked out of the window, taking in the beautiful view while doctor Park spoke.

"Have a nice day, (y/n)".

"You too, doctor Park".


"It's settled then, you're gonna drop out of school".

My mother said before she took a sip from her cup, not noticing my father's sudden raise of his eyebrows. We had sat down at our table and were having dinner, the perfect time to talk about important subjects. His voice might have sounded calm but his expression was exposing his inner anger.

"Don't you think that it's too soon?".

"Darling, we talked about this".

I couldn't help but stare at my plate the entire time as they argued about my upcoming future plans. My mind kept wandering back to the alpha, hearing his name echo in my head until my mother finally pulled me back to reality.

"Oh, I almost forgot to say this-".

The moment I met her eyes, I could see the sparkle in them and knew that there were good news waiting to be told. She swallowed down the food in her mouth before she continued.

"You're boyfriend bought us tickets for a trip to Hawaii so we'll be gone next week".

Choking at her sudden news, I found myself coughing and gasping for air. My father quickly handed me a glass of water which I accepted gratefully. It took me a minute to get my ability to breathe before I yelled.


"Yes, (y/n). You also need to pack your things since you're gonna stay over at his place".

She responded so commonly, as if she had been doing this her entire life. My fallen jaw never made its way back up, staring at her while my mind tried to process her words.

"If you're against it, just tell me and I'll cancel the plans".

Hearing my father's sentence, I could sense the slight hope in it for me to actually be against it but I refused. This was what I wanted from the very beginning, being alone with my mate in a large house. I didn't have to go to school and fight for an education, I could now live a dream. As a business leader, Jungkook already owned a big amount of money. There was no way I could ever refuse such an offer from this world given to me.


( I can't believe you )>

<( I thought, you'd be happy )

( I am but isn't this a little too much? )>

( I mean, you really didn't have to )>

<( It's nothing, really )

<( When can I pick you up? )

( I think 9 is okay )>

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