Chapter 4.2 : Too Delicate?

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It seemed that I've fallen asleep cause when I opened my eyes, the house was completely quiet. No sound could be heard and since my curtains were blocking the view outside for me, I couldn't tell what time it was but I was sure that night time had arrived. I slowly pushed away my blanket off my face, liking the feeling of the sudden cold air hitting my sweaty face. Getting to a sitting position and placing my feet on my carpet, I tried to blink away the sleep off of me. I reached for my phone which was laying on my nightstand, next to my bed and checked the time. It said 02:41 am which I was glad about since that meant that my parents must be asleep, hopefully. Talking about my parents, I wondered what happened to my dad but quickly brushed those thoughts off after remembering the slap I received from him. It was the very first time he ever hit me and one that really did leave a mark.

I got on my feet and made my way to my door. Stepping outside, I was happy to be greeted by a darkened corridor. My parents were not around and I honestly didn't even care about them anymore. I went to the bathroom and as soon as I switched the light on, I had to squeeze my eyes shut at the sudden brightness. After a while I could finally have a look at myself in the mirror and when I did, regret took over. I looked awful. My eyes were red and swollen from all the crying and my left cheek was still red. My hair was a complete mess and I looked like I had jumped inside a lake. But that was not the reason why I hated to look at myself. The person infront of me, my reflection, had enough of all the stuff happening. My school life, my friends, my freedom, my health, my safety and even my family got influenced by my second gender. Everything went downhill after I was told I was an omega.

Tears started to form in my eyes as those dark and sad thoughts took over my mind. Nothing could save me anymore, I thought to myself. I was shattered mentally and physically, from the inside and the outside. I was broken. Heartbroken. I decided to take a shower in the morning so I washed my face with cold water and went back to my room, changing into my pajamas and dropped myself on my soft bed. I blankly stared at the ceiling and suddenly the face of the alpha popped in my mind. If we ever happened to become something, if he wanted me as much as I did, we would have to mate. The image of us mating appeared in my head, making me blush slighlty. They say that it's best for an omega to mate an alpha. Compared to betas, alphas are much stronger and more capable of taking care of omegas and protecting them. The only tough part is that step of finding the right mate. Once you get over that, you'll be happy for the rest of your life, they said. No one told me that my second gender was going to have this huge impact on my life. 

I was basically drowning in stress and pressure, making me wonder if it was really gonna be worth it in the end. The sudden buzzing from my phone caught me back into reality and made me snap my head towards the source of the sound. I felt too weak to get up so I slightly rolled over and reached for my phone which was on my nightstand. It was a text message from Lucy which made me wonder why she was still awake at this time. I asked myself whether i should text her back and let her know I was also awake or just ignore it and try go go back to sleep. I thought it might be important so I decided to open the chat but immediately regretted it. The message I thought was 'important' was a meme of some korean boys. She loved memes and so did I but right now was not really the time and I was really in no mood but then I thought that maybe it could distract me a little since sleep seemed to not wanting to join me.

( Why are you up this late? )>

<( Why are YOU up this late??? )

( Damnit, lucy. What do you want? )>

<( Nothing, just sharing my memes with ya )

( Aren't you going to school tomorrow? )>

<( I am, indeed but I'm not feeling tired :) wbu? )

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