Chapter 10.1 : Promise (ultra fluff warning)

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Recommended song :

Zayn Malik - It's You


I saw my mom roll her eyes playfully and eventually glanced over at Jungkook who's eyes were looking back at me. It was as if he knew that I had acted confused on purpose, not wanting to get pulled into this conversation. However, my mom didn't seem to let go of me that easily as she sighed faintly before she spoke.

"We talked about you living with this gentleman from now on and I asked for your personal opinion".

The table was quiet again and there was no escape for me this time which meant that I had to speak the words that ran through my mind. I knew that I had to be careful while chosing my words since my dad was here but it was my future after all so I worked up the courage and spoke directly.

"Of course, I would love to stay with him".

And like that, I quickly shoved a big piece of meat inside my mouth in order to block any further question. Jungkook was watching me the entire time, being impressed and slightly confused by my actions. While my mom started to laugh, my dad seemed to tense up and decided to leave the table with no word after finishing up. As I swallowed my mouth free, I glanced back at my mom who shook her head at my dad's behavior.

"Don't mind him, it's his first time".

"I'd be the same with my daughter".

Jungkook's choice of words forced me to snap my head towards him since he was referring to the fact that he was already thinking about having kids. It was true that an omega's number one task was to get pregnant and produce kids but I was still having trouble believing that I was ready for such responsibilities. Knowing to have an alpha like Jungkook to be my mate and to support me during the process gave me enough reasons to convince me otherwise. I simply felt safe when I was with him and thought back of the times I tried to keep my distance from him. I giggled by myself when I remembered the time I hugged Taehyung only to keep Jungkook away from me, gaining both of their attention. Still daydreaming about memories that had happened the last few weeks, I looked over at Jungkook who was watching me without breaking the intense stare for even once. My mom kept on switching her eyes on either of us for ten seconds before she fainlty squeaked.

"Why don't you two love birds go and take a walk outside? You know, for some alone time".

She wiggled her eyebrows in an attempt to light up our flirt-mode and received a soft laughter from Jungkook while I felt my cheeks turn a slight pink. It wasn't like I didn't want to spend time with him, it was the fact that I still felt too bashful and his change of behavior during the last days at the hospital still made me feel uneasy.

"Actually, that's a great idea. Let's go, (y/n)".

He said as he stood up and gently held my right hand to pull me up from my seat. I quietly followed him behind, towards the door and reached for my jacket which was on the hanger. When the two of us wore our jackets, Jungkook pulled out a scarf and wrapped it around my neck gently. It was a pastel pink scarf which felt very soft against my cheeks and my neck. Thinking that he might cover up my neck since it was the weakness of an alpha, I raised my chin to give him better access.

"It's cold outside, this should keep you warm".

He softly said, making my cheeks blush with a bright red colour. Though he was working on keeping my neck warm, his eyes never left mine. When my bandaged skin was layered, the two of us flinched at my mom's sudden scream of excitement. She had been watching us silently and held both her cheeks with her hands.

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