Chapter 16.2 : The Little Change

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"He followed us all the way".

Jungkook said quietly while his stare stood focused on the other alpha. Jimin had secretly followed us to our house, breaking the law of privacy. I couldn't help but feel anxious, after all I hadn't told Jungkook about Jimin's warning. Jimin's eyes were on Jungkook's sling first before they met mine, a flash of confidence inside of them. The tension in the air was big enough to increase my heartbeat, the atmosphere becoming darker by the passing second.

"What's the deal with you?".

Jungkook finally asked and broke the silence, his jaw clenched which displayed the anger inside of him. Jimin only formed a smile as he put his hands inside of the pockets of his pants. His voice was calm but loud as he replied, his eyes looking me up and down.

"I came to challenge you".

I faintly gasped and wrapped my arms around Jungkook's left arm, feeling insecure. There was nothing I could do except for one thing, I needed to separate these two alphas. My voice was quiet when I begged the alpha.

"Please, let us just get inside-".

"You can't challenge me when I'm still recovering".

Jungkook explained after letting out a loud sigh, he was clearly unamused by the other alpha's presence. He had ignored my wish and decided to keep his stand, determined to watch the other alpha leave first. Jimin then formed a dirty smirk as he crossed his arms, telling me that his next words were going to provoke Jungkook.

"Is that your excuse?-".

He had done it, I could feel my alpha's muscles around my hands tense up. His anger had been triggered by Jimin's statement, something common for an alpha. But the blond male didn't stop there, he carried on.

"-You need to provide your omega with protection all the time but it seems that you're unable to do so. Do you really call yourself an alpha?".

Jungkook kept silent which was the only reason why I felt so scared, his silent anger was the scariest. I figured that Jimin had a plan on his mind, something that also seemed to be working well. I had to step in before this scene would take a nasty turn.

"Jungkook, don't listen-".

"You're lucky that it's me who's challenging you. If it was someone else, they wouldn't even let you talk".

Jimin added as he took slow but daring steps closer to us. His arms hung low, his blue eyes boring holes into Jungkook's brown orbs. I could feel a storm coming, one that would destroy anything on its path. Jimin then exhaled a chuckle and locked his eyes with mine before he continued.

"You'd easily lose your omega to a stranger. What kind of alpha are you?-".

"That's enough, Jimin!".

I finally spoke up, feeling a wave of relief after being able to use my voice. I was currently the weakest gender in this conversation but I didn't want to be considered as one, I wanted to seem confident too. Surprisingly I managed to shut Jimin up but that didn't stop the other alpha from interacting.

"Get inside, (y/n)".

I heard Jungkook tell me and give me a gentle push before he began walking towards Jimin. My eyes widened for a short moment and fear overflooded my mind, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Wait, Jungkook-. Please, don't go-".

My quiet calls were ignored once more as I watched my alpha stand in front of Jimin. This was dangerous and the wrong thing to do. If Jimin happened to land any kind of strike onto Jungkook's right shoulder, it was over. Since Jimin was aware of his injury, he was definitely going to aim that part. I took a mental note of their large body form, both of them owned broad shoulders and were taller than me. However, Jungkook seemed slightly taller than Jimin but they had the same amount of muscles in their build.

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