Chapter 18.2 : Painful

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She said and seemed surprised to see me with Jimin, stepping aside so we could leave the elevator. The corridors of the hospital were empty since the visit time had passed long ago. There were only a few nurses walking around to assist their patience, not paying any attention to us. Jimin turned to show me the confusion on his face, wanting me to explain the situation.

"I didn't expect you to come so I asked her for help".

I explained and pointed at the nurse, Jimin looking at her for a short moment before he asked.

"You were going to help her, Hyun?".

"It's a long story but I have my reasons".

The nurse explained as she looked to the side, refusing to meet the blond alpha's eyes. Jimin's question also allowed me to finally note the nurse's name, one that suited her pretty well.

"I'm glad that we still own nurses that aren't afraid of the consequences".

Jimin explained and faced me again, referring to the fact that doctor Kim's dominance had scared many workers and forced them to keep quiet about the illegal experiments. The nurse then glanced at me, taking note of us holding hands before she asked.

"Well, you got her out. Where is she going to stay?".

"Room number 217 at the D section belongs to me. Doctor Kim could never enter that one".

Jimin replied and received an acknowledging nod from Hyun before he began leading the way, his warm hand firmly around mine. About five minutes later we entered the room which included a large desk in the centre and a set of couches on the right, a long bed at the left side of the room. Jimin then let go of my hand and walked over to his desk while Hyun stepped closer to me, something in her palm.

"This pill should delay your heat cycle by two days. That's all I can do for now".

I heard her say and accepted the small plastic with a pill inside. I was slightly stunned at the fact that she thought of this detail, my heat would've brought big issues to our situation otherwise.

"Thank you so much, Hyun. You've done so much for me".

I said softly as I looked her deeply in the eyes, watching her smile before she turned around and left the room. I quickly took the pill and turned to face Jimin, the alpha being busy on his phone.

"Jimin, is everything alright?".

I asked and walked closer to him. He snapped his head to me, looking lightly nervous as he replied.

"Yes, I just need to inform my dad that I got you".

Just then I remembered that I had left my phone at Jungkook's house. If I wanted to call my parents, I needed my phone since I hadn't memorized their phone numbers.

"Jimin, could you do me a favour?".

I asked quietly and stepped closer, standing a feet apart from the blond alpha. He sent me a nod, telling me to ask away.

"I need my phone but it's at Jungkook's house. Could you bring it for me, please?".

My question sounded less complicated than it actually was, watching the alpha frown for a short moment as he thought about it before nodding his head.


I blinked my eyes open, the bright light feeling welcoming as I slowly raised my body from the bed. I took in my surroundings and figured that I had fallen asleep in Jimin's room. However, he was currently absent which meant that he had left to bring my phone. All I needed to do was to wait for his arrival, not a difficult thing to do. I slowly stood to my feet and walked over to the door, opening it before I looked outside. Just then I came face to face with Taehyung to which my entire body froze. Our eyes might have met but that didn't stop me from quickly retreating myself into the room. I slammed Jimin's door shut, looking at each side to find any kind of object I could use as a blockage. Mentally cursing at my thoughtless behavior, I threw my small body against the door once I heard it being opened.

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