What could possibly go wrong? I'll just make sure we're clean with a condom on and lots of lube, that way- I don't think we will have any complications. But it's not the complication I am more worried about because I know we will not face any, I am more worried of the pain. I am scared that I will hurt him- I know there is a thin between pleasure and pain, but If the pain gets too much, then he will not enjoy it.
I really want him to enjoy it.

Now the other part that- ahem- that is a bit unbelievable to me is the pleasure part. I know, I have heard and read about the prostate orgasm thing, but I still can't really believe it. I have my doubts. Will you really like finish without touching yourself? Er no I don't think so. I've heard so, but I believe it will e very difficult.

Ugh! Now I already have a boner from just thinking of this- well I have the whole time to deal with it.


I can't say I sleep flat the whole night, part of me was forcing me to stay awake because of my dad. And that part wins- half of the night I stay awake. I could have slept if Leo was here, but for the next two weeks he has a night shift at work, so it seems as I am my dad's keeper.

But eventually I fall asleep and wake up to my alarm. My instinct kicks in and I walk to my dad's room, I know Leo is back by now but I couldn't help to peep in. he is laying on the bed with many blankets over him. Well- he's alive.

I walk downstairs humming some song I've heard somewhere. I get into the kitchen to see Leo passively smiling as he does last night's dishes.

"Morning." I sit on the table. "What's there for breakfast?"

"Oh hey... um- the usual. The usual is usually bread, eggs, ham, bacon and some spreads. He wipes his hands with a towel and start to lay food on the table for me. "Tea or juice?"


"And I say tea, it's freezing today, warm up your chest a little." His tone is not harsh but leaves no room for arguments. He hands me a mug of black tea and I sip on it immediately. I feel him watch him and I do the same. I wish to talk to him about my dad 'issue' but I really don't know where we stand right now.


"Elia and I are looking for part time jobs, maybe somewhere we can work after school and on weekends." I chip in before he talks further. I know I want us to talk, but as I have said, I don't know where we stand. And that may make it all weird, awkward or worse too emotional. Part of me will definitely blame him for being a medical doctor and not reading the signs.

"Hmm." He walks back to the sink and continues to do the dishes. "I know somewhere"


"Yeah, consider yourselves already hired..." he laughs. Oh my God! Elia is going to be so happy!

"Oh my! Really- like where is it? what is the job." I ask turning to him.

"Um, I own a drug store downtown, you guys can- you know- do some selling after school... in for it?" He asks.


"Definitely! I am in for it!" Elia literally screams as he jumps on the seat. "Finally! I can save money and get a- all the things I want!" I can't help but laugh at his reaction. Something I have noticed about Elia from the time we started dating, he isn't as chilled as I saw him is. I know he has his moments where he is all quiet and boring, but most of the times he is jumpy and too excited, or even goofy.

"You're too loud you know?" I say. "Too loud."

"Hmm?" "So?" I laugh and he joins in too. I glance at him, to see him facing out through the window, a smile plastered o his face. I feel ad for not telling about my dad, it makes me feel as if I am lying or hurting him. He looks at me his eyes widening as the meet mine, I immediately look back at the road.

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now