He scratched the back of his neck, chuckling awkwardly.
We both stare at each other and blush.
"So..what?" I said. He took a deep breath and said
"Will you go out with me?"

I thought for awhile before shrugging my shoulders.
"Alright then".
He squeal and hug me tightly.
"Thank you!!!!" He let go of me, his face look so happy.

He looks like a puppy. Cute...

I was about to say something but my phone rang.
"Sorry, let me just take this". I walk farther from Jungkook and pick up the phone.

Jm: What?

TH: Chimchim~ it's already 11pm! Where are you??

Jm: What? It is?!

TH: Well duhhh, now tell me where are you chimchim-

Jm: I'll call you later bye love you!

TH: Yah! You rude ass bitc-

[End call]

I ran towards Jungkook and said "I'm sorry for leaving you alone but I gotta go home".
He nodded and grab my hand.
"Then let's go together".


We walked together.

Holding hands.

I, Park Jimin, is holding Jeon Jungkook's hand and I think I'm dying.

But he didn't seem bothered by it.

"Is this our first date then?". He look at me and shrug. "If you want it to be". I hummed and we walk, holding hands. We both were silence, no one wanted to talk until finally, I've arrived at my house.

"Thanks for walking with me Jungkook" I said.
He smile and rub the back of neck.
"This is pretty awkward for a 'first date' right?"
I laugh and said "It's okay, tommorow it will be better"



He grin and clear his throat.
"Well then um..." *Looks around*.
Jungkook then grab my wrist and peck my lips.
"See you tomorrow Jimin" He said and winks.

When he left, my legs gave in and I fell down. On que, the door opened, revealing Taehyung, wearing his Tata hairband.

"Chimchim-OMG!! ARE YOU DEAD CHIMCHIM?! DID YOU BECOME SHORTER?! DO YOU NEED A STICK FOR SUPPORT?!" Taehyung was freaking out while I was giggling.
"W-Why are you giggling like you just met your senpai? Did you eat the expired pill?" Taehyung said.

I kept giggling and I shake my head.
"No Tae" I said and look up. "I'm drunk in LOVE Hehehehe"

"Well thank to the heaven's, my best friend is now in a relationship"

I shot my eyes open and ran downstairs.

"What?! What?! What?!!"

I saw my mom smile and said "Finally you're awake".
I roll my eyes and cross my arms.
"You didn't have to scream mom"

"I know" She grin. "But that wouldn't be fun would it?". I sigh and went upstairs again, going back to bed.
"Park Jimin get your ass down here and eat your breakfast!"


Then I went back to sleep.

But of course as always, My mom came with her slippers.

Jikook Stories 2 [Completed] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now