"I dare you... to kiss Julia." Elia form across me in the circle coughs with water in his mouth resulting in some spilling from his mouth and some to come out of his nose. Everyone finds humor in except him and I. "Like for twenty seconds... with tongue."

"Oooooh!" The whole groups choruses. I look over at Elia who is now wiping his mouth and nose with the back of his hand. He raises his eyes to meet mine before he gives me a sad smile, I guess, that's a go ahead.

When I look over at Julia, I see her already eying me. I can see her try to hide a smile from her lips but she fails and when I break loose Jake elbows my arm from next to me.

"Um... Nate, we don't have much time! Kiss now."

I sigh, and put on a fake smile to match Julia's. Garry and Melisa scoot from in between us leaving the whole space for us to lean in and kiss.

Both of us crawn until we are next to each other. I lean in the same time as she does. My eyes widen as her lips captures mine, not wasting any time. She scoots too close to me. I absent mindedly open my legs parting them. This gives Julia a change to slip her legs under my knees, making us super close.






By this time, our tongues are dancing with each other. It is nothing compared to kissing Elia... Elia's lips are soft... but I like the way he always wants to dominate all of our kisses, unlike Julia, she wants me to take control.

My eyes slightly open when I feel her hands cup both my cheeks before the move to my hair, running in it and making it a mess.



Julia removes her hands from my hair, I immediately close my eyes. She takes my hands from my thighs and bring them to her waist. I want this to stop. Is Elia watching? How is he feeling... please.. count faster.

Just as if Elia reads my mind, I hear him count so fast, his voice above everyone's else.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Now break off... yeah, yeah... lets move on!" I pull off. Julia looks at Elia along with the rest with questioning looks.

"Way to ruin the fun fag!" Jake stands up and stretch his body. "I'll be in the pool house."

"Yeah... me too." Garry says following his partner in crime. Everyone then said it's a good idea to go to Xander's pool house. The all leave, leaving Elia and I behind. Once Julia, who is the last one to leave closes the door, Elia groans falling on his back and face the ceiling. "Had fun touching her waist!?"

"What!? No... I just... she made me do that!" I exclaim.

"You seemed to e haing a lot of fun from it!" he says.

"Ew, no... if anything... I would have enjoyed doing it with you... I would have liked to kiss you." I confess. Hearing my words Elia sits up straight and loos at me. His hands rest on the floor behind him. "Do you like-"

"Elia Clinton, I only like you and only you... I love you!" My eyes widen in realization. He smiles at me and crawl to me.



"Promise me one thing..." he says as he sits in front of me. His small hands lands on my thighs. He starts to rub them lightly going up, almost reaching my waist band, before he slides them down to my knees.

"U-Uh huh..." it's difficult to speak with his hands touching me. it's insane with his hands touching me when I am fulling dressed... what if-

"You will never kiss anyone than me." he lean close to me and press his lips against mine, only to pull them back as soon as they touch me. I whimper to the loss... I want him to kiss me again.

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now