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+ together +

I didn't bother waiting on Anne and Diana the next morning, too scared that I would run into Gilbert on his way to school, meaning we would need to actually talk about what happened last night. I practically ran to school, breathing heavily as I swung my basket at my side, the birds chirping as I moved through the woods, not stopping to appreciate them like I would normally do.

My nose was read from the fall air as I finally got to the school, a gray wool had pulled over my blonde  urls as my cheeks were flushed, my deep blue pants flowing under my black coat as the cold leaves crunched under my boots. As I got to the school no one was really outside, everyone probably in their classroom around the fire, getting out of the cold crisp October air. I pushed open the door to hear laughter and chatter coming from inside, the girls and boys on their respected sides as they laughed separately. I pulled my coat off of me, hanging it up before setting my hat on the hook, leaving my basket on the bench as I smoothed over my knitted sweater.

The desks were still in rows, probably meaning that we were once again doing some board work rather than more interactive work. Prissy say at our desks, Jane, Josie and Ruby already sitting at theirs, turned around so they could talk to eachother as Ruby and Jane waved at me, Josie smiling forcefully as I waved at them all, sitting down next to Prissy as she smiled over at me.  "Good morning" I said to her as she smiled at me, sighing as she stretched out her back. "I'm so tired, I didn't sleep much last night, I was finishing that book you gave me" She said to me as she held it out to me, my Jane Austen book in her hand as I took it from her, setting it in front of me.

"Did you like it?" I asked her as she nodded her head, setting her cheek on her hand as she looked over at me, her eyes tired. "It was amazing" She said to me as she opened her eyes as I took the book in my hands, running my hand over the cover as a new figure stood at the side of our desk. "Hey there Kate, nice pants" Billy said to me as he bent down slightly, touching my pants with his hand as I moved my leg away uncomfortable, my knee hitting Prissy's as she held her hand out in front of her brother. "Go away, Billy" she hissed at him, the boy slapped her hand away from him as he looked over at her with his eyebrows raised a little bit. "I wasn't talking to you" He said quietly before looking back at me with a smile slapped on his face.

"You got that pretty bracelet on, Katie?" he asked me as I breathing hitched a little, my hands moving to my lap as I let the book fall onto the table. "It's just Kate" I said to him, not liking the sound of Gilbert's nickname for me coming out of Billy Andrews mouth. "Can you show me your bracelet?" he asked me as Prissy furrowed her eyebrows, my hands clasping in my lap as I kept them in place, not moving. "Why?" I asked him as he laughed, shaking his head as he put his hand on desk, leaning down. "Just show me, come on" he said as he used his other hand to try and grab my hand, his hand brushing my inner thigh as I jerked away from his touch, practically failing into Prissy as she opened her mouth to tell him to go away.

"You alright, Billy?" Gilbert's voice said from behind us as Billy looked at him, straightening up as he smiled at the brown haired boy. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine Bud" he replied as Gilbert walked towards us, standing behind me as he pushed his hands into his pockets, smiling at Billy as he nodded his head. "Good" he replied as he looked down at me, both Prissy and I looked at him as his brown eyes were glazed with worry, raising his eyebrows at me. "Can I talk to you?" He asked me as I looked over at Billy who looked at me, Prissy nudging me in the arm as I nodded my head, swinging my legs around the bench as I stood up.

Gilbert let me walked ahead of them before he nodded at Billy, following behind me as I stood in the cloakroom with my arms crossed, rubbing my bicep with my hand as Gilbert stood in front of me. "Was he bothering you?" he asked me as I pushed a curl behind my ear, shaking my head as I dropped my arms back by my side. "He was just being Billy" I said to him with a forced laugh, shaking my head as he nodded his head, a serious look on his face as I looked back up at him. "I think we should talk about last night" he said to me as I felt something twang inside of me, his tone not exactly what I was hoping for.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about my brother, he's an idiot" I said as Gilbert shook his head, my hands clasping in front of me as I ran one finger over my nails. "I'm sorry if you didn't want to kiss, I shouldn't have just kissed you" he said as he rubbed his lips together, clearly apologetic about it. "Oh no, it was okay" I said to him as I saw his whole demeanour relax a little, his back not as straight as it was a moment ago. "I wanted to" I added quietly, my cheeks blushing as I looked down at my shows, not wanting to keep eye contact at the current moment in time. "Maybe I should do it again?" he asked me as I looked back up at him, his eyebrows raised as his jaw wasn't clenched anymore, a small laugh escaping my lips.

"Maybe you should" I replied with a shrug of my shoulders, causing him to laugh as he shook his head, taking a small step closer to me as I looked up at him. He moved his head closer to mines as our lips connected softly, the butterflies once again returning to my stomach as I placed my hands on his biceps, raising on my toes slightly. I pulled away with a smile on my face, my arms making their way around his shoulders as we hugged tightly, his vanilla smell surrounding me once again as I smiled to myself, pulling away as we both laughed.

We pulled ourself together as we both walked back into the classroom, Prissy watching me as I sat down, my hands finding my book again as I smiled softly at nothing. "What did he want to talk about?" Prissy whispered to me as she leaned in, my head turning to face her, unconsciously rubbing my lips together as I shook my head. "Nothing" I said as she narrowed her eyes at me, leaning back as they widened, her mouth parting a little. "You kissed him" She said as she moved closer to me, grabbing my hand in hers as she shook it about excitedly. "You kissed him" she said again, squealing as I hushed her, looking over at the boys to see them in conversation, not taking notice of Prissy.

"You basically go out now" she told me as I shook my head, turning back to her with my eyebrows furrowed. "Surely that isn't dependent on how many times we've kissed" I told her as she shook her head, still shaking my hand with hers in between us as she did a little dance. "No, it's official" she told me as I laughed at her behaviour a little bit, covering my mouth to stay quiet as I poked her in the arm. "Don't tell anyone, especially not Ruby" I told her as she nodded her head, still smiling at me. "I won't" she told me as she let go of my hand, facing the front again as she shook in excitement again, clearly happy for me.


A/N: I'm actually a really big fan of Prissy and Kate's friendship so expect a lot more chapter of their friendship blossoming.
In my head Prissy was a year older than everyone else, which may not be correct but that's what i've been thinking so i'm just gonna keep it like they I guess
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

 In my head Prissy was a year older than everyone else, which may not be correct but that's what i've been thinking so i'm just gonna keep it like they I guess please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

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