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+ sick +

I rode up the gravel drive, the small white house sitting at the top with barns behind it, a small chicken coup sitting in the front of the quaint house as Jasper slowly walked up the stones, his hooves clicking along the ground as I smiled, making my way to Green Gables.

"Kate" Anne shouted as she left the front door, a smile on her face as she ran towards me, making me hop off of Japser's back as I petted him, putting my arm around his head as Anne stood in front of me. "What a lovely horse" Anne said as she patted Jasper as well, who loved it as he moved his head with each touch. "I hope you don't mind that I've shown up unannounced" I told her as she shook her head at me, pushing her braid over her shoulder as she smiled widely at me.

"No, not at all, I was actually about to go visit Mary, you could come if you'd like" she said to me as my smile flattered a little bit, Anne's smile dropping as she held her hands out in front of her. "Oh unless you don't want to, you don't have to" she said to me as I shook my head at her, my hair moving with the movement. "It's Saturday, so it will just be Mary and Bash in the house" I said to Anne as she nodded her head, pointing her thumb over her shoulder.

"Come on, lets introduce Jasper to Buttercup before we ride over" She said to me as I held the reigns in my hand, leading Jasper as we followed Anne to the barn which sat behind the house.


I tied up Jasper to one of the reign posts which sat behind the Blythe household, Anne doing the same not too far away with Buttercup, both of us finishing as we made our way into the back door of the house and into the kitchen, leaving the horses outside as they grazed at all the grass.

"Anne? Is that you?" Bash's voice shouted as he made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen, looking rather disheveled as he saw me, a small smile settling on his face. "Kate, it's nice to see you in this house again" he said to me as I waved at him, a smile on my face as I nodded my head. "It's great to see you again" I said to him as he looked at the both of us, not smiling anymore as I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him as he let out a deep breath, pushing one hand into his pocket as I tilted my head to the side. "Mary isn't feeling so well, so I've been looking after Delphi for the last few nights" he told me as I looked at him with raised eyebrows, as I clasped my hands in forms of me. "Is she alright? Should I recommend my father to come visit?" I asked him as he shook his head, holding his hand out in front of him.

"No, she wouldn't want to cause fuss" he said as he sighed once again, rubbing his eyes with his hand quickly as Anne took a small step forward. "She's upstairs, I'm sure she'd love to see you both" Bash said as we both smiled, following him up the stairs and into their room, Mary sitting in the bed with a pillow propped behind her head, semi falling asleep as she head us, lazily turning to see us.

"Well if it isn't Catherine Prewett" she said with a shy smile as she opened her eyes, her face tired and sweaty as Bash stood behind Anne and I. "I know, I'm amazing" I replied with a smile as Mary laughed, making her couch as she put her hand over her mouth, the sound of her coughing making me look over at her worried. "Are you sure you don't want me to ask my dad to come around?" I asked her as she shook her head, picking up a cloth and she dapping her face with it.

"I'll be better soon" she said with a wave of her hand, looking over at Anne as she smiled at her, the red head looking just as confused as I was. "Have you told Marilla? I'm sure she will happily look after Delphi for you" Anne said as she took a small step forward, Mary shaking her head at her. "Bash can do it" Mary said as she looked over at me, her eyebrow raised.

"I could have used you cooking for the boys right now" she said to me as I smiled softly, shaking my head. "Maybe you could ask Winifred" I replied as Mary scoffed, rolling her eyes as she looked over at Bash. "She probably doesn't make apple pies as good as you" Bash said front behind me as Anne laughed, making me smile as him as I nodded my head. "I don't even think Mary makes apple pies as nice as mines" I said with a smirk as I turned back to Mary who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Watch it before I kick you out of my room" she said to me, couching once more as she out one hand on her chest, the other covering her mouth as she wheezed. Bash taking a few steps forward as he grabbed the glass of water which was on the nightstand, passing it to Mary who took a small sip from her. "Might be time to go now, girls" Bash said to us as we nodded our heads, saying our goodbye and well wishes to the couple as we made our way down the stairs and out of the house.


A/N: so like I had no idea what to write except from the fact that Kate had to know that Mary was sick which she does now
so i'm super sorry for such a bad chapter, and school has been very stressful lately so sorry if updates are a bit bad

A/N: so like I had no idea what to write except from the fact that Kate had to know that Mary was sick which she does now so i'm super sorry for such a bad chapter, and school has been very stressful lately so sorry if updates are a bit bad

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