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+ the piano +

I closed the door to the house after standing outside for a while, deciding to walk back into the house really slowly. I set my basket down on the bench before hanging my hat up on the hook behind the door, Tom's coat sitting next to it, the others empty. I pulled my coat off, setting it up as well as I let out a deep breath, grabbing my basket and making my way down the hall and through the arch which led to the kitchen.

"How was school dear?" My mother asked as she stood at the table in the middle of the room, rolling out some dough, a pie dish sitting next to her, which was presumably for dinner. "Good, I made some new friends" I said as I set my basket on the table, my mother looking at me pointedly as I grabbed it quickly, setting it on the table behind me, knowing that that was where it sat. "Is the teacher nice?" she asked me, and I could tell she was dying to ask me the one question that was being prepared in her head. "Yes, she's lovely" I nodded my head with a smile, setting my hands in the table as I leaned into it, trying not to get flour on my pants.

"That's nice dear, you know if you think it's too much of a change" she started, dusting her messy hands on her apron as I sighed, looking down at the table as I shook my head before looking back up at her. "There's no need for me to be home school, mother. It's great at school, and it will be nice for me to have some friends my own age" I told her as she looked at me with her head tilted to the side, nodding her head once before going back to the dough in front of her. "That's fine, I just want to make sure you're happy" She told me as I smiled back at her, an identical smile shining back at me. Everyone said my mother and I smiled the same, which was a good thing for me because my mum was one of the prettiest people I know.

There was a loud banging noise from upstairs along with the sound of two people talking, which caused both mother and I to look up at the roof as another banging sound followed the first one. "I think that's your piano being put into place" she told me with a smile as I looked at her with wide eyes which caused her to laugh. "On you go" she said to me as I turned around, quickly walking out of the kitchen before breaking into a run, going up the stairs as quickly as possible, almost knocking the man who helped carry the piano inside over at I passed him, shouting my thanks at him before running into my room. Tom was standing next to the piano, expecting me as I smiled at the instrument.

It was pushed up against the wall as Tom leaned against it with crossed arms, smiling at me as he nodded towards the piano. I walked over, pulling the stool out from under it and sitting down, running my fingers over to keys softly once again as I set my feet onto the peddles instinctively. As soon as my fingers hit the cold ivory it all came flooding back by muscle memory, I flawlessly played note after note, bar after bar, not needing any music as I played a piece I had been playing for years now, Tom watching me as I played. My feet were moving up and down on the sustaining pedal, working well with melody and chords.

As I finished the piece my brother slowly clapped, leaning his elbows against the tall back of the piano, both of us smiling at each other. "You still got it don't you?" He asked me as I moved along on the stool, straightening my back. "I never lost it, who are you kidding" I replied jokingly with a shrug as he sat next to me, pushing down a white key, causing the hammer to fall back and hit a string making a sound echo through the room.

"Only need a few more and you'll be back to the old Kate again huh?" He said hitting another key as I nodded my head, looking at the other end of my room. "I think I'd hang a Violin on the wall, the bow next to it, the cello in that corner and a flute sitting on the shelf" I said turning around the room pointing at certain spots on the walls, Tom following my hand nodding as I did so. "There's a music shop in town, we can go and get them one day" he said nudging my shoulder with his.

"Pity we couldn't bring a polo field with us, you'd rule that" I said flipping my hair over my shoulder as I laughed at him. "Meh, I think I was just interested in the big stick you know?" He joked I laughed a his joke. When I was with Tom I laughed more than I ever seemed to, why exactly I wasn't so sure. But I was happy when I was with Tom and for this year, he was really all I had.


A/N: this chapter is a little shorter than the rest of them, but it a filler because when I wrote this book I used to write really long chapters so i've broken them up a little bit by adding in more filler chapters
please vote and comment and i will see you later

A/N: this chapter is a little shorter than the rest of them, but it a filler because when I wrote this book I used to write really long chapters so i've broken them up a little bit by adding in more filler chapters please vote and comment and i wi...

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