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+ honey +


I giggled with Jane as we walked slowly, our arms linked together as everyone wandered behind us slowly, Miss Stacy leading us through the woods as the sun broke through the tall branches which were slowly growing green leaves as the spring time continued to blossom. I flipped my hair over my shoulder as Ruby turned around as she walked in front of me, pulling a face as I laughed at her, Jane covering her mouth with her hand to muffle her giggles.

"Guys, I can't hear Miss Stacy" Anne said to us, turning around as she gave us a stern look before turning back to the face the teacher, who was walking quickly as she pointed into the air. "Guys I can't hear miss Stacy" Charlie mocked from behind us, leaning forward as he whispered it between Jane and I, causing me to snicker before I turned to look at him, a smirk on his face.

"That's not nice, Charles" I said to him with a smile, making him stick his tongue out at me as I turned back around, looking over at Jane who had a smile on her face, shaking her head at me. "See the channels of space between the canopy? This mysterious phenomenon is known as crown shyness" Miss Stacy said we we all stopped, Jane sniggering as she looked up, my head going back to too as I put my hand on top of my hat to keep it from falling off of my head.

"Each tree is aware of its boundaries" Anne said in front of us as I looked over, Tillie pretending to fall over as the two boys on either side of her grabbed her arms to steady her, Tillie giggling at the pair of them. "No touching" Miss Stacy said as she looked over at them, the boys hands dropping back down to their sides, all of us slowly pulling to a stop in the clearing as Miss Stacy continued to explain the nature around us. "This kind of intelligence is not just limited to trees" Miss Stacy said as Tillie turned around to look at us, a wide smile on her face as we laughed at her.

"We see it across all of nature, even with the birds and the bees" Miss Stacy said as Josie giggled, raising her eyebrows as she pushed Ruby's hand off of her arm. "Finally" Josie said as a smirk as Ruby raised her eyebrows, her face looking shocked. "Birds and bees?" Ruby squealed as we all laughed, Anne giving us a stern look as Miss Stacy lifted her hands up in front of her before letting out a small sigh. "The bee collects pollen and nectar to feed the hive and create honey" she told us as everyone scoffed, Jane rolling her eyes as she leaned in closer to me.

"I thought we were going to learn about the real birds and bees" she whispered to me as I smiled at her, raising my eyebrows as she giggled, Miss Stacy turning around as we carried on walking. "The flower receives pollen, which it needs to bear fruit" the teacher said as we all followed her slowly, beginning to talk quietly to each other once again. "And then we have the birds" Miss Stacy said to us as Charlie said my name, causing me to turn around to him to see him pull a funny face at me, Jane and I laughing as Moody shook his head next to Charlie.

"Take the red-breasted nuthatch" Miss Stacy said as we all laughed at the name, Ruby trying not to laugh as she shook her head, her eyes drifting over to Gilbert who was in his own world, not exactly listening as he walked along slowly. "Its main source of food is the spruce budworm, which is a conifer pest" Miss Stacy said as we were all still giggling, Tillie blushing as the boy on her left said something quietly to her, causing her to cover her mouth. "So while the Red-breast-" Miss Stacy started as we all starting giggling again.

"It's not funny" Ruby said to ya, struggling not to laugh as Jane rolled her eyes at her, Diana leaving Anne's side to come and walk with us, Anne actually involved in the lesson unlike us. "Stop trying to act mature so Gilbert will notice you" Jane retorted quickly as Ruby turned about as red as her name, shaking her head as quickly as she could. "I am not" she said, her voice unbelievably high, which it did when she was lying as i has come to learn. Moody walked around Jane and I standing on top of a large rock as he leaped over to the next one, all of us laughing at him as he clapped his arms like a bird, hoping over to the next one.

He landed on the wet moss as his foot slipped, causing him to fall onto the ground, screaming in pain as we all looked over at him shocked. He was gripping his leg as I pushed Jane off of me, running over as I fell onto my knees, rolling Moody over as he screamed, clutching his leg towards his chest. "Oh my goodness" everyone shouted, scared at amount of pain Moody seemed to be in, Gilbert dropping his bag to the floor as he kneeled on the other side of Moody, holding his wrists so I could check his leg, neither of us saying a word to each other as we checked on Moody, knowing exactly what each of our next moves would be.

"Are you alright, Moody?" Miss Stacy asked as I looked at his leg, blood already making its way through his sock as I pulled it down as gently as I could, Gilbert watching as a very deep gash on his leg came into view, blood pouring down his leg. Ruby screamed from behind Gilbert as the sight of the blood, my mouth escaping a small breath as I looked up at Gilbert who shook his head at me. "It's too deep, he will need stitches" Gilbert said as he looked over at Miss Stacy, who looked in shock as she looked at Moody's leg.

"There was a second scream as I looked up, seeing a small indian boy with a red hat on standing in the bushes, watching as I moved my head to see the extent of Moody's cut. Ruby turned around at the boy, screaming again as she let out a breath, falling to the ground as Diana tried to catch her by the wrist. "Indians" Tillie screamed as everyone around her looked at the little boy with wide eyes, a little girl coming from behind a tree as she grabbed the boys hand, both of them running away.

"We are surrounded by savages" Josie screamed as Diana and Jane kneeled at each side of Ruby, trying to wake her up as Anne walked over to Miss Stacy. "The Mi'kmaq village" Anne exclaimed as she nodded her head, pointing into the trees. "It's nearby, they can bring help" she told Miss Stacy who agreed, Gilbert and I looking up at the red head simultaneously. "I know the way" she said before she took off into the trees, her red hair and blue coat slowly disappearing as the sound of Moody's screams filled out ears.


A/N: hey guys, i'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long but here's a chapter and maybe expect another one tonight, I may be able to write another who knows
anyway i'm not entirely sure how long this book will be or when it will end but i'm just going to keep writing for as long as I want, even if this book ends up like 500 parts lmao
please vote and comment and I will see you soon hopefully

A/N: hey guys, i'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long but here's a chapter and maybe expect another one tonight, I may be able to write another who knowsanyway i'm not entirely sure how long this book will be or when it will end but i'm just go...

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