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+ sepsis +

I sat in the kitchen with Delphi on my thigh, her back rested against my arm as I held a spoon in my hand with some mushed bananas, slowly feeding her as she smiled at my cooing and funny faces I was making. She opened her mouth as I put the spoon in for her only to spit some of it out, causing me to scrape it back off with the spoon as she smiled at me.

"Aren't you cheeky?" I said to her with a smile as she gurgled at me, causing me to hold the spoon in front of her mouth again, waiting for her to open her mouth again which she did. I looked up as the floor boards creaked, Gilbert walking into the room with a rag in his hand, walking over to me and handing it to me as I set the spoon in the bowl, taking it from him and throwing it over my shoulder. "Thanks" I said to him quietly, picking the spoon up again as Gilbert took a seat across from me at the table.

"Is he still in with her?" I asked Gilbert as I looked up at him, referring to my father, who had been examining Mary for quite a while now. "Yeah" he said bluntly, smiling at Delphi as I continued to feed her, a gummy smile flashing as I put the spoon into her mouth once again. "Thanks for feeding Delphi" he said to me, nodding his head as he looked over at me, his smile gone as we looked at each other. "No problem" I replied quietly, looking back down at the small girl, silence filling the air once again as I continued to feed the baby.

I heard a door open upstairs, the clicking of it being closed followed by hushed whispers from Bash and my father, Gilbert and I sitting there silently as we tried to listen in on them. "Come on, Delphi" I said as I wiped under her mouth, with the cloth, throwing it back over my shoulder as I held her under her arms, standing up as I held her against my chest, patting her on the back as I swayed back and forth. Gilbert stared at the hallway as the floor boards creaked, causing me to turn around to see my father walking into the kitchen, his bag in his hand and his coat over his shoulder.

"How is she?" Gilbert asked, standing up quickly as I stood in the spot, bouncing back and forth lightly as my father looked over at me, letting out a breath as I looked at him concerned. "Father?" I asked him after he hadn't replied in a while, continuing to pat the baby on the back as she laid her head on my shoulder. "It's not good news" he said quietly as Gilbert took a step forward, putting his hand on his stomach. "When will she be better?" he asked her as my father looked up at him, shaking his head as I let out a small breath, my eyes closing.

"No, she'll get better, it's just an infection" Gilbert said, shaking his head at my father as I looked over at the brown haired boy, our eyes catching each other for a moment as he let out a breath. "It's sepsis" my father told us, looking over at me as I stopped moving, standing on the spot as Delphi gurgled, babbling to herself as I rubbed her back gently. "How long does she have?" I asked him, rubbing my lips together as tears threatened to fall from my eyes, my nose starting to run as I sniffled.

"A week, maybe two" he relied as Gilbert let out a deep breath, putting his hand over his mouth as he sat back down, putting his elbows on his knees as he put his head into his hands. "Oh my gosh" I breathed out, resting my head against Delphi as a tear fell from my eye, my father pointing at the baby I was holding. "Can I check her?" he asked me as I nodded my head, the tear falling off of my cheek as I moved over to the table, sitting back down as I sat her on my lap, leaning her back against my chest.

"Hello" my father said to Delphi softly, pulling a stethoscope from his back as he held it out to Delphi. "Look at this" he said to her as she reached out to try grab the shiny metal, squealing as she did so, my leg bouncing softly to keep her calm. I stared straight ahead of me, over my father who was checking Delphine's heart, the blank wall ahead of me the centre of my attention as tears fell from my eyes, causing me to bite down on my lower lip.

I leaned down, rubbing my hand over the top of Delphi's hair as I kissed the top of her head quickly, my father watching me as I let out a sigh, looking over at Gilbert who still had his head in his hands at the devastating news which we had all just been burdened with.


A/N: noooo, I really don't want to have to write this i'm trying to postpone it for as long as possibleeeee
please vote and comment and I will see you all soon with some more sad chapters

A/N: noooo, I really don't want to have to write this i'm trying to postpone it for as long as possibleeeee please vote and comment and I will see you all soon with some more sad chapters

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