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+ the small room +

The stones crunches under the wheels of the horse drawn carriage led its way up the gravel drive of a large white house. Everyone inside the  cart was jostling with every bump, my shoulder repeatedly nudging against Toms bicep as he held his hat in his hand, looking out to small window to see the fields of green surrounding our new house. The carriage came to a halt abruptly, which caused me to turn my head out to the door as my father opened it, stepping out first, followed by my mother.

Tom nodded his head towards the door, indicating that I could go first, which I did, holding my hat on top of my head with one hand as I climbed out of the carriage the summer breeze passing me seamlessly as I looked up at the house. There was a deck which wrapped around the front of the white panelled house, the large windows letting in lots of light to al of the rooms. I took two steps down off of the carriage, my feet sitting on the small stones as my brother climbed out of the carriage after me, putting his hat on as he stood behind me.

The house was rather large, with two floors, but not as big as the old one back in Australia which was to be expected as nothing could get much bigger than the manor. "There's many rooms upstairs, but only  three have beds at the moment" My mother said as she turned to us with a smile, father going over to the carriage driver and talking to him quietly. "The largest one is your ours, but you can choose between you two which one you would like, you can move into any of the other ones upstairs if you wish but for now the rooms which the beds are in will do" she added with a soft smile as she set her hand on my back, rubbing up and down with her thumb as I looked around at Tom.

He was looking straight back at me with a small smirk on his face as I turned back around, starting to run towards the house as I heard him catch up with me, my pants flowing against my legs as I climbed up the porch stairs, barging into the house a split second before he ran in after me, gaining speed as he over took me, climbing the stairs two at a time as I followed him. We made a sharp turn down the hall, passing multiple doors which were all closed, I saw an open one which Tom ran right past which caused me to dart into it.

It was smaller than my previous room, a large window showing the green planes across the back of the house. The walls were white and the floor a deep brown, contrasting each other perfectly as I looked around. There was a dresser sitting against the wall next to a tall intricately detailed wardrobe, both a deep brown colour. Pushed up in the corner was a double bed, the headboard  a lovely wooden carved piece with a matching footboard at the other end of the bed.

I smiled as I walked over to the window, looking out at the swaying trees that sat at the end of the field, leaning my hands on the white window pane. "I got the big room" Tom's voice said as I turned around to see him leaning against the door frame, his hat no longer on his head as he smiled at me. "This room is still rather large though" I said as I looked back at the window, admiring the view of the countryside. Mother told me there was a beautiful beach not far from here, which I would definitely be going to find one day soon. "Not as big as our old ones" He replied as he made his way into the room, standing next to me so our arms were touching, following me in looking out the window.

"I don't think a house as big as the Manor would fit in here" I said, cracking a smile as I turned around and sat on the floor, my back against the wall as I tucked some baby hairs that were failing out of my jodi behind my ear."Yeah, it would stick out like a sore thumb, a massive house with a swimming pool and polo field" he said taking a seat next to me, he had shed of his coat leaving him in a knitted jumper and black pants, his dark blonde almost brown hair messy.

"Don't forget the tennis courts" I said placing my head on his shoulder which I was the perfect height for once we were sitting down. "You never really had a good enough swing though" he joked using his elbow to shove me in the side, pushing me over slightly as I leaned my head against the wall with a smile on my face. "Don't be so rude, I can play four more instruments than you" I teased, and it was true, 4 instruments was hard to beat, even in our world.

I had started playing both piano and violin at the age of 4, mother making me learn them as part of my schooling. Many would say I'm a music prodigy, not to mention my singing voice, which was more than often compared to an angels, but as a child I hated having to sit at the piano for hours on end with a straight back and cramping fingers. "I've told you, my fingers were too fat to play the violin" he said which made me laugh, nodding my head in agreement as I straightened my neck. We sat in silence for a moment, no sound filling the room except from our breathing and the sound of someone climbing the stairs and making their way down the hall.

My mother stood in the doorway, smiling down at both of us as she clasped her hands in front of her gracefully, which only my mom seemed to be able to do. "It's still a little bit before dinner, so if you would like to go explore, you are more than welcome to" she said to me with a smile on her face as I looked over at Tom, who shook his head at me as I shrugged my shoulders. I jumped up off the floor, smiling goodbye at Tom and my Mother quickly before leaving the room without even saying anything, knowing that I didn't have to. I ran down the stairs and out of the house through the open front door, the summer air hitting me in the face as I looked around, no one in sight as I let out a deep breath.

I instantly started running through a field in front of the house, my feet hitting the soft grass and basically going through it. There was nothing but open fields to the right and closed woods to the left, which for some reason drew me toward the thick line of trees. I ran into the trees, finally slowing down as breathing heavily as I took steps over tree roots, the dry leaves and twigs snapping beneath my feet. I had to duck under the tree branches before I got to a clear path deciding to walk on it to find out where it lead, hoping it would be somewhere interesting.

After a while I was a little out of breath, having walked faster than my normal pace, almost as if I was on a mission of some sort. I stood next to a tree facing it, admiring a line of ants climbing up the bark and along the trunk. There was a small beetle climbing up the trunk, it's patterned back drawing my eyes towards it against the brown tree covered in moss. I stuck out my finger next to it letting it climb onto my nail, and down my finger. "Hey there" I said holding my hand a little away from my face as I admired the insect crawl onto my hand.

I turned around and started walking again, admiring the green and blue pattern on the beetles back, as my boots crunched along the forest floor beneath me. It climbed all over my hand, and I had to keep switching it from hand to hand to make sure it wouldn't fall to the floor. I was slowing humming to my self before a body slammed into mines, knocking both of us into the floor.


A/N: it wasn't long before she ran into someone was it.
Wonder who it is??? Hmmmm
Well here ya are, please vote and comment and I'll see y'all later my peeps

 Wonder who it is??? Hmmmm Well here ya are, please vote and comment and I'll see y'all later my peeps

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