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+ amen +

We stood on the grass, the small patch of grass with large hole dug in it sitting in front of us as the priest stood at the top of the hole, holding a bible in his hand as his white robes were blown by the light spring breeze. My mother stood at one side of me, my father on the other who had his hand resting on my shoulder as a tear fell from my cheek.

I had a black dress on which stopped just mid shin, black boots on as my hair was half tied up, my blonde locks falling down my back as the wind ripples past me. I looked to my side, the Cuthbert's standing there with Anne in front of them, her eyes holding sadness as her braids day over her shoulders. I looked back in front of me, staring down at the grass as Bash took a step forward, picking up a handful of soil from the ground as he held his hand over the grave, sprinkling it in.

Jocelyn was holding Delphi on the other side of the whole, who was fast asleep in her arms, surrounded by a knitted blanket which my mother had knitted for her quite a while ago now. Bash took a step away as the priests words weren't even registering in my head, everything sounding like nothing as I stared, slowly lifting my hand up to my cheek as I wiped the tear away before it could fall off of my cheek.

I watched as Gilbert slowly bent down, taking some soil in his hand, his eyes red with pain as he straightened up, standing at the edge of the hole as he let the dirt fall through his fingers, the small dropping noises as it landed on top of the wooden box which sat at the bottom of the grave. He looked down as he dusted his hand free of dirt as he stared down at the grave, letting out a deep breath as he took a small step backwards.

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you" The priest said as he lifted his hand above the grave, taking a small step forward so he was standing on the edge. "The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace" he said as he slowly dropped his hand, holding his bible in front of him as I closed my eyes, trying to trap in all the tears to avoid them from spilling down my cheeks again.

"So then, go in peace, and the God of all peace go with you" he said as I opened my eyes, clasping my hands in front of me as I dug my nails into my hand, rubbing my lips together quickly. "Amen" we all said in unison, my voice quiet as it barely made a difference to the adults repeating it around me. I swallowed the lump that was in my throat as people started slowly turning away, making their way away from the grave as I stood there, staring down at I felt Gilbert's eyes on me, causing me to look up at him, tears filling his eyes as we stared at each other.

His normally clear brown eyes were red from his pain, his hair almost styled but his curls just choosing not to stay in it. We hadn't spoken for a few days now, having to speak to each other at the flower party for Mary, as it was what she would have liked, but we only said our hellos and goodbyes, exchanging glances every so often before one of us looked away as quickly as the other. I had been to the Blythe house many times to visit Mary, but I managed to time it perfectly to only be when Gilbert wasn't in the house, working with Bash on something or going through to Charlottetown.

I didn't move for a moment, my tears falling off of my chin as I blinked, wiping my cheeks quickly as I finally ripped my eyes away from Gilbert, sniffling my nose as I felt my mother's hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently. "Kate, are you coming?" my mother said softly to me, pulling me out of my moment as I turned around to look at everyone else, slowly turning and making their way back to the Blythe house which wasn't very far from here.

"Yes, sorry" I said quietly as I dropped my hand down my my side, turning around as my father handed me a handkerchief from his pocket, causing me to take it as I dabbed at my cheeks before wiping my eyes softly, following behind the Cuthberts who slowly walked in front of us slowly, Marilla's arm around Anne as she clung to the black shawl she had around her arms, my feet dragging through the field as we slowly moved away from the grave where Mary lay.


A/N: hello, here's another chapter which is pretty short and slow i'm sorry but there wasn't a funeral scene in the show so I decided to throw one up (also I missed like the whole of episode 3, because Mary was only spoken about in that episode but never really shown)
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon hopefully

A/N: hello, here's another chapter which is pretty short and slow i'm sorry but there wasn't a funeral scene in the show so I decided to throw one up (also I missed like the whole of episode 3, because Mary was only spoken about in that episode bu...

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