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+ cakes and cookies +

We all stood in Diana's parlour, the room nearly decorated along with the table which was filled to the edge with cakes and cookies. We all giggled in excitement as Jane stood at the window, peering through the curtains as we waited for Anne and Diana to come so we could surprise the red head for her 16th birthday.

We all giggled, sitting on the floral couches as we waited, Tillie sitting on the couch behind me as I sat on the floor, her fingers braiding my hair as she tied the ribbon at the bottom. "They are coming" Jane shouted again us as we all squealed, standing up as a group as Minnie-May pushed her way to the front, my hand sitting on her shoulder as Josie stood on one side of me and Ruby on the other, a smile on my face.

"Hurry" I said as Jane ran over from the window, the front door closing as we saw the two girls standing in the archway. "Surprise" we all shouted as Anne threw her hands over her mouth in shock, laughing as she ran towards us, smiling at us all as her eyes caught glimpse of the table behind us. "I hope you were worried sick about me" Minnie-may shouted as we all laughed, Anne nodding her head as she looked at all of us.

"Thank you so much" she squealed as she walked up at the group, all of engulfing each other in a group hug as Diana joined in as well, smiled on all of our faces as we laughed at nothing in particular. "We have so many treats" Tillie shouted as we pulled Anne by the hands over to the table of sweets, my mouth watering just at all the sight of the sweets. "You did all this?" she asked us as we all nodded our heads, causing her to laugh at us as she put her hands up to her cheeks, still in shock.

"Happy birthday, Anne" I shouted as everyone shouted it at her, causing her to laugh before we all sat down, piling sweets onto our plates as Diana poured us all tea, ready to overdose on the sugar that was in front of us.


"And then and then Jerry yells: 'Her parents are dead!!'" Anne told us as we all laughed, causing me to set down the macaroon i was holding as I clutched my stomach, having laughed way too much this afternoon alone. "He almost ruined the whole thing" Diana exclaimed as we all broke out into laughter once again.

"Why are boys so maddening?" Ruby asked as she grabbed a strawberry, throwing it into her mouth as we call agreed. "Why don't they know anything?" Anne asked as Tillie agreed loudly, pointing at her as I finished my macaroon, leaning back in my chair as I set my hands on my stomach. "What is the matter with boys?" Tillie asked as I laughed at her, reading and grabbing a cookie as I lazily took a bite out of it, already feeling rather ill. "Some of us prefer men" Josie said with a smirk as Ruby squealed, Jane picking you a cake as she put it onto her plate.

"Some of you, and by you I mean Tillie, have a two-boy problem" Jane said as we all laughed, agreeing as Tillie shrugged her shoulder, smugly taking a sip from her teacup. "That's not a problem" she said as she shrugged her shoulders, causing us all to giggle at her as she joined in with all the laughter. Minnie-May hopped out of her chair which was next to mine, dancing around the room as she was high on sugar.

"As a brave girl who seeks with my eyes and heart open, I'm letting you know here and now I plan only to be the Bride of Adventure" Anne said as we all looked at her, the red head taking a bite of a strawberry as Ruby looked at her with a wide smile. "I never know what you're talking about" she squealed as Anne shrugged her shoulders, smiling at the blonde.

"I'm a conscientious objector of the status quo" she replied simply as Ruby pointed at her, pushing a whole cookie into her mouth. "See? It happened again" Ruby squealed through a full mouth as Diana turned towards me with a massive smirk on her face. "If anyone of us prefer men it's surely Kate, she's half way down the isle" she shouted as she leaned forward, all the girls giggling and agreeing as I shook my head.

"Not until I see a ring" I told them, grabbing a strawberry as everyone laughed loudly, Jane almost choking on her cake as she clapped her hands. "We'll be bridesmaids" She shouted as I nodded my head, holding my hands out at either side of me. "Obviously" I said as everyone squealed once again, Minnie-May still dancing behind us.

"Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday" She squealed before she let out a deep breath, putting her hand on her forehead as she fell to the ground, Anne turning around in her seat as we all looked at the small girl on the ground. "Princess Minnie May has weakened. More cake, good women, before she doth perish" Anne told us as we all grabbed a cake, a pink iced one in my hand as we all made our way around the table, kneeling around Minnie as we held the sweets out for her, smiles on our faces.

"Let us attend to our fair maiden! Oh, please take my delectable offering" I said as everyone asked the same question, Minnie-May sitting up as she looked around. "No, no, no" she said as she pointed at one cake and cookie at a time, turning towards the one Diana was holding. "Yes" she said as she took it from her sister, taking a big bite from it as we all laughed at her, enjoying the time with our friends as we celebrated Anne's 16th birthday.


A/N: this was one of my favourite scenes of season 3, just because of the sheer excitement of all of the girls, I love their friendships and how it's all blossomed since season 1!
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

A/N: this was one of my favourite scenes of season 3, just because of the sheer excitement of all of the girls, I love their friendships and how it's all blossomed since season 1!please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

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