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+ fair talk +

I walked back into the classroom in a haze, walking over to my desk, Josie and Ruby standing as they looked over at me, clutching their books with smiles as I stared past them, thoughts racing through my mind of the last few moments I had just had with Gilbert as they looked at me, not caring how I was zoned out.

"Are you going to dance with Charlie tomorrow?" Josie asked me as Ruby nodded her head with her eyebrows raised, pulling me out of my daydream as I raised my eyebrows at them, Tillie coming up from behind them as he rout her head in the space between the other two. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked as I laughed lightly, pushing my hair behind my ear as they giggled, Tillie raising her eyebrows playfully. "Miss Stacy scheduled practice for the county-fair barn dance" Ruby said, her smile growing as I tilted my head to the side.

"Boys and girls" she added as Tillie laughed, Josie also smiling, all of us knowing exactly what that meant for us. "That means touching" Tillie squealed as they all made their ways around me, sitting down on their bench as I walked to my own, sitting down next to Jane who smiled at me, raising her eyebrows at the news which had just made its way to me. "Charlie will be asking you to dance" Jane said to me as she nudged me with her elbow, grinning as I rolled my eyes at her.

"And I will say yes because that's what a good friend does" I told her as Josie turned around, rolling her eyes as Diana and Anne turned around as well to become part of the conversation. "I'm going to hate practicing with these silly boys" Josie said as we all listened to her, knowing exactly where her remark would be going as I leaned forward, propping my hand onto my cheek to support it. "I'll only be dancing with my intended at the fair" Josie added as everyone else made awing noises, Jane rolling her eyes as she leaned back against the wall behind us.

"We get it" Jane muttered under her breath as Ruby grabbed Josie's hands in hers, shaking them around her as she smiles greatly. "This is so exciting, I love the fair" she sang as all the girls nodded their heads, even Jane forgetting the topic of Josie becoming her sister in law as they started talking about the fair. "What is it like?" I asked them as they all turned around to me, gushing about the fair all at once, Jane talking about the pie contest as Ruby told me about the cotton candy which Mrs Younger from Charlotte Town made.

"One at a time, please" I said as they all became quiet once again, Diana leaning towards me as she held her hands out at each side of her. "There's this competition where all the farmers in the town grow the biggest vegetables they could possibly grow, last year the winning one was a carrot and it was about as big as a wheel" she said as everyone laughed, remembering the moment from last year as Anne laughed, pointing her finger at us. "Matthew is growing a radish at the moment, he won't let us with in 5 feet of it" she said as we all laughed, the red head using her hands to gauge how large the vegetable actually was.

"You should bake a cake, Kate, there's a cake baking competition that we all enter every year" Diana told me, everyone else nodding their heads as I let out a breath. "I'm not sure I can make a cake good enough for a competition, but I' sure my mother would do pretty well" I told them all as Tillie laughed, looking over at Anne quickly before turning back to me. "You won't do any worse than Anne, once she brought in strawberry tarts for us to try and they tasted like resin" Tillie said as Anne slapped her in the arm lightly, everyone laughing at her comment which they had all been holding in since the event.

"You all told me they tasted nice" Anne said as she looked over at Diana, a little hurt as the brunette shrugged her shoulders, trying to keep in her laughs. "Nice for the bottom of a shoe" Jane said jokingly, Anne giving up on her stoic look as she started laughing as well, the sound of our laughs drowning out all other conversation in the classroom.


A/N: hello, why another day another update just for you
i've been writing lots lately so expect a new update for the next few days i'm a row
please vote and comment and i will see you tomorrow hopefully

A/N: hello, why another day another update just for you i've been writing lots lately so expect a new update for the next few days i'm a row please vote and comment and i will see you tomorrow hopefully

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