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+ stairs +

I sat at my desk, my room door open as I had my flute in front of me in pieces, the mouthpiece in my hand as I held a shining cloth in the other, shining and cleaning it for the first time since I got it. My window was open as the sunny spring day outside was at its peak, a soft breeze blowing my curtains as I let out a sigh.

I heard the doorbell ring as I put the mouthpiece down, laying my cloth down over the silver as I stood up, making my way out of my room and down the stairs, getting half way before my mother came from the parlour, walking to open the door as I stopped, watching her smile at me before she walked into the arched entrance room, pulling the door open.

Low and behold, Gilbert Blythe stood there with his back to the door, in his white shirt and waistcoat, his hair disheveled as he turned around seeing my mother with a clenched jaw. "Gilbert, hello" my mother said softly as I watched Gilbert's eyes drift past her, seeing my standing there as he looked back at my mother, ignoring me as I watched my mother smile down at him.

"Is Dr Prewett home?" he asked her as she nodded her head, telling him to come in as he stood in the entrance hall, clearing his throat awkwardly as she walked back into the parlour, presumably to get my father. I stood there for a moment, running my hands over the back of my skirt as Gilbert deliberately looked down at the floor, ignoring me once again. "How are you?" I asked him quietly, my voice barely loud enough for him to hear me as he looked over at me quickly, my feet completely planted into the floor.

"Mary isn't well, Bash suggested I fetched your father" he replied to me as my father made his way out of the parlour, my mother not following him as he looked up at me before smiling over at Gilbert. "Gilbert, how are you?" he asked the boy as he scratched the back of his neck, nodding his head at my father as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking over at the brown haired boy.

"I'm fine, sir" Gilbert said quickly, nodding his head as he let out a breath, shaking his head. "It's Mary, she's not very well" Gilbert said as my father furrowed his eyebrow, looking over at him as he pushed his hand into the pocket of his waistcoat, awaiting more details. "She's short of breath, her skin has a blue tint, and there's a rash running up her left arm that's been there for a few days and it hadn't faded" he listed off as my father nodded, his face dropping as he finished.

"I need to examine her" he said as Gilbert looked at him, a worried expression on his face as he khedive his hands out in front of him. "Is it sepsis, doctor?" Gilbert asked as my father pulled his hand out of his pocket, turning around and looking at me as he shook his head, turning back to Gilbert. "I need to see her before I can give a diagnosis, but it sounds like it" he told the boy as I took a step down, now worried for Mary as well as they both turned to look at me.

"Catherine, can you go grab my bag from the office?" my father said to me as I nodded my head, walking down the rest of the stairs and tuning to the corner, turning the key in the lock as I walked into my fathers study, the large dark wood desk sitting in the middle as I reached behind the door, grabbed the leather bag as I closed the door, locking it and walking back over to my father and Gilbert. "I'll come with you" I said to them as they both looked at me, my father shaking his head.

"No, you need to stay here, if it isn't sepsis it could be something worse I don't want you getting it, it's worse enough that Delphi has been with her" he said with a sigh, walking around Gilbert and pulling his coat on. "I'll need to check up on her too, make sure she's not contracted anything" he said, pointing at me as he took the back from me, shaking his head. "I'm coming" I said once again, walking into the cloakroom and grabbing my shoulder coat. pulling it around my neck as I clasped it.

"Catherine" my father said sternly, looking down at me as I raised my eyebrows, not flinching as I stared right at him. "Mary is my friend as well, I'm coming" I said to him, grabbing my hat and putting it onto my head, my fathers eyes drifting over to Gilbert as I stood there, awaiting permission. "Fine, but you aren't allowed in the room" he sighed, opening the door as he started walking out of the house, causing me to follow him, Gilbert walking in front of us a little bit.


A/N: hey guys, another chapter that I wrote on the bus home today lol
the absolute heartbreak of the chapter is coming soon but i'm gonna have to do it to get onto all the exciting stuff I have planned so stick around for that
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

A/N: hey guys, another chapter that I wrote on the bus home today lol the absolute heartbreak of the chapter is coming soon but i'm gonna have to do it to get onto all the exciting stuff I have planned so stick around for that please vote and comm...

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