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+ the hockey game +

I stood on the snow as the side of Avonlea lake, watching as the boys skated about with their sticks, getting a feel of the ice before they actually started playing. I stood with my hands in my coat pockets, Janes arm interlaced with mines on one side and Ruby on the other.

My hat was pulled onto my head as my blonde hair flowed down my back, a ribbon tying it at the nape of my neck. Ruby had the notebook for the school newspaper under her arm, the pen on her pocket as she watched the boys, probably not writing anything through out the game. "First hockey game of winter" Jane said from my side as I let out a laugh, my breath visible in the cold air.

"I wish we could play" Diana said from behind us, standing next to Tillie and Josie as we turned around to look at her. "I don't, you saw how Charlie got hurt last year" Jane said to Diana as she shook her head, moving her feet into the snow to make sure she wasn't going to slip on the melted snow under her boots. "But the game looks so fun" she said with a smile as we all laughed at her, looking forward again as I saw Gilbert looking over at me as he skated to the huddle of boys which was his team.

I smiled back at him as he turned towards his team, stopping and skidding ice everywhere as they all spoke, the rest of the boys in a circle on the other end of the ice, whispering to each other. "It's starting" Ruby said as she shook her head excitedly, using her other hand to brush some of her hair over her shoulder, dropping the notebook onto the floor, not making an effort to pick it up.

"Let's go" I shouted as Jane and Ruby shouted along with me, jeering on the boys as Gilbert and Billy stood in the middle of the lake, Billy pulling out a wooden disc from his pocket as he threw it into the air, the game beginning as soon as it slapped onto the ice. "I'm open, I'm open" all the boys were shouted as Jane leaned over, whispering I my ear. "Charlie looks awfully nice on the ice" she said to me as we both giggled, watching as Moody tried to take a shot, which he missed.

"Keep going" I shouted at them as they all played once again, my head looking towards the part in the trees which surrounded the ice, Anne making her way towards us with her hair loose around her shoulders. "Hello, Anne" I shouted as all the girls shouted hellos at her, the red head waving as she walked over, leaning down and picking up Ruby's notebook.

"Ruby, you're supposed to be covering the game" she told the blonde as she shrugged her shoulders, turning back towards the game as Anne wipes the snow off of it. "Do you even know the score? What's the highlights?" Anne asked her as Jane laughed from my other side, my eyes following the game, barely listening to the conversation. "It's just a school newspaper, Anne, not The Daily Telegraph" Jane told Anne as she pulled a pencil from her pocket, starting to write on the paper.

"We don't even need an article about the game, we are all here" Ruby said as she smiled at Anne before watching the game once again. "She's busy ogling Gilbert" Tillie shouted as Ruby looked over at me, a smile on my face as she shook her head. "No, I'm not" she insisted as she turned around, telling Tillie to stop as I shook my head before laughing, knowing that we often teased Ruby for her old crush on Gilbert.

Billy skated past us as he stopped and winked at Josie, all of us squealing and giggling. "You've really caught Billy's eye" I said to her as a i turned around, Tillie nudging her with her elbow as Jane let out a deep breath, looking at the game once again. "I'm trying to make peace with it" Jane said as I laughed, bumping my hip into hers as she laughed, poking her tongue out at me. "With what?" Diana asked as I turned around l, smiling at all the girls as I controlled my laughter.

"That's Josie night become her sister" I told them all as we all laughed, Josie included as she gave a funny look at Jane. "In law, sister in law" Jane said as she huffed, looking forward again as Anne looked up at us. "I'll write the article, who are the team captains?" Anne asked us as I looked over at her, a smile on my face as her pencil was ready to writer on the paper. "Gil and Billy" I told her as she nodded her head, writing that down as all the girls made swing noises around me.

"Gil, what a nice pet name" Diana kidded from behind me as ignored them, watching Moody as he waved over at Diana, who stood there and smiled forcefully, the boy falling onto his side on the ice which made us all fight back laughter. "Moody, don't fall" Billy shouted at Moody as he got back up, Josie turning and looking at Diana who looked away awkwardly. "Going to take pity on poor Moody?" Josie asked with a smile as Diana shook her head, looking down at her dress.

"My family won't allow it" she told us as Tillie looked at her funny with raised eyebrows. "Too rich to be a ministers wife?" she asked as we all laughed at her, turning around as Gilbert stopped in front of us, looking over at Anne, who hadn't looked back up at him, too engrossed in her writing. "Isn't Ruby coveting the game?" he asked her as Tillie laughed loudly from behind me.

"Ruby's very preoccupied" She shouted at Gilbert, making me laugh as I pulled my arms out of Ruby and Janes grips, taking a step toward and standing on the very edge of the snow bank in front of Gilbert who looked down at me confused. "Are you goi n to explain that?" he asked me as I shook my head, setting my hand on his chest as I reached up on my toes, kissing him on the cheek quickly before looking up at him.

"Go play" I told him as he laughed, smiling as he nodded at all of us, skating away as a i took a step back, Ruby and Jane instantly linking their arms in mines as they made kissing noises from either side of me. "Shut up" I said to them as I looked up, realising two new people joining us at the lake, a tall man with long braids and a red and black long coat over his shoulders, a girl next to him with a bonnet on as she watched the game with great excitement.

"Who are they?" I asked the girls as they all turned to look at them, all of them gasping as they took a small step back, Jane and Ruby pulling me with them. "Indians" Josie said from behind me as I looked at them, smiling at the girl as she made eye contact with me, a smile being returned. "Mother said not to talk to them, they are savages, they don't have permission to be on the land they are occupying" Tillie said as I looked over at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"They look like lovely people" I told her as a i turned back to them, seeing Moody receive a stick from the man, which was much more suitable for him than his shorter one. "I'm going to go ask if I can write an article on them" Anne said as she marched past us all, moving towards them as I watched Gilbert are towards them, holding out his hand. "We shouldn't let her go herself, they may hurt her" Josie said as I nodded my head in their direction, showing them Gilbert was with them.

"They look like lovely people, don't let your mothers tell you what to think of people" I told all the girls as I turned to look at all of them one by one, all of them silencing as we watched Anne talking to them, a quiet whisper commencing between them all once again.


so please if you haven't seen season 3 yet, go watch it (it's amazing) and then come back and read this book because I have so many plans it's going to be amazing I promise
i can't sleep so i'm mass updated oh well

A/N: once again SEASON 3 SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUTso please if you haven't seen season 3 yet, go watch it (it's amazing) and then come back and read this book because I have so many plans it's going to be amazing I promisei can't sleep so i'm mass...

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