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+ the ball +

We walked into the ball room as my arm was linked with Gilbert, my eyes looking around at the large ornate room which was decorated with white flowers and lit candles. There was a space in the middle for dancing, people standing around at tables with classes of champagne in their hands as they talked to each other.

"It's gorgeous in here" I said to Gilbert as I looked over at the large chandelier which had light bulbs all over it, letting out light as I looked at the amazingly painted roof which had angles on it. "It really is" he replied to me as we followed after my father and mother, Tom slowly trailing behind us as he smiled at people as we passed. "Charles, how lovely it is to see you made it" I heard a lady say as I looked to my left, an old lady walking up to my father, a cane by her side and her dress a dark plum colour with lace all over it.

"As it is for me Josephine" he replied as he took her hands in his, kissing at both sides of her face as he looked over at all of us who were watching their interaction. "This is my wife Elizabeth" my father told her as he took a step back, linking his arm with my mothers again as he pointed at Tom and I. "This is my son Thomas, and my daughter Catherine" he told her as she smiled over at me, looking down at my arm in Gilbert's as she smiled at the brunette boy.

"Gilbert, it's been a long time since we last saw each other" she said to him as Gilbert smiled back, nodding his head. "I must say Miss Barry, you look amazing" he told her as she laughed, waving her hand at him to tell him to stop before turning back to my father. "Come, I would like to introduce you to some people" she said to him as she steered him and mother away from the three of us, causing me to turn towards Gilbert.

"Lets go find some people" I told him as a i grabbed his hand in mines, leading him away from Tom who scratched the back of his neck as I went to try and find either Anne or Prissy. "Kate" I heard someone squeal from behind us, causing me to turn around quickly, letting go of Gilbert's hand to see Diana standing there in a navy blue dress on, her waves half up half down as she smiled at me. "You look amazing" I said to her as I held my hands out to her, causing her to laugh as she pointed at my dress.

"Your dress is amazing" she told me as we both laughed, the sound of conversation mostly blocking out our laughter. "Hello, Gilbert" she said to him as he nodded his head at her, waving slightly. "Nice suit" she told him as he held his hands behind his back, smiling at her awkwardly as he cleared his throat. "Thank you" he replied as she turned back to me, looking up at me as I grabbed her hands, squeezing them in mines as I smiled.

"Have you seen Anne?" I asked her, wanting to see how the dress looks as Diana shook her head, looking around quickly before her eyes met mines again. "She's around here somewhere" Diana told her as I nodded my head, her eyes wandering over my shoulder as she sighed. "I'll see you guys later, I need to find my parents" she said before walking past us, causing me to turn back to Gilbert as I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Hold on" I said to him as I turned around, seeing a waiter in a white dinner jacket walk past, holding a tray of champagne glasses in his hand as I smiled at him, walking over quickly. "Thank you" I said quickly, grabbing two and walking away before he could tell me I wasn't supposed to be drinking anything. "Bottoms up" I said to Gilbert, handing him one of the glasses as I clicked mines against it, lofting the glass to my lips and drinking half of it as he took a small sip.

"You really do look great" he told me as I laughed, shaking my head as I pressed my lips into his lightly, his free hand making its way around me waist. "Thank you, you look amazing too" I said to him as he let me go, looking down at his glass of champagne. "Should we be drinking this?" he asked me as a I shrugged my shoulder, taking a small sip from my glass. "Probably not" I replied as I looked to my right, seeing Prissy smiling at me as she made her way over to me, causing me to wave.

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