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+ dancing +

I stood with my hands on my hips as I we all stood against the board, all the tables in the room being taken outside by all of us just a few minutes ago to clear space for us to dance in. Mr and Mrs Lynde were standing next to Miss Stacy, Rachel's hans on Thomas's arm as they smiled at us, all of us awkwardly standing there a few inches apart from each other.

Gilbert stood to my right, the space in between us holding nothing but silence as I blew a strand of my hair away from my face, all the windows open to blow in the nice warms summers air as we awaited further instructions. "As promised, today we'll be practicing for the county-fair barn dance" Miss Stacy told us all as we all stood there quietly, the excitement which was dancing with each other now having worn off, all of us filled with a bit more fear than excitement.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lynde have kindly consented to help us in this endeavour" Miss Stacy said as she motioned towards the couple who smiled at us all, the door opening as three more people rushed in quickly, and I knew one was Rachel's son, who Anne told me was trying to start courting Miss Stacy. "Since The Dashing White Sergeant needs a set of six, I thought we'd better do so" Mrs Lynde said as she smiled brightly, ushering her son inside as Miss Stacy smiled at him awkwardly, turning back to us as quickly as she could.

"Shall we?" Caleb Lynde asked Miss Stacy, putting his hand out as she swallowed quickly before nodding her head. "We shall" she said hastily as Mrs Lynde clapped her hands, grabbing her husband as they formed a circle. "Pay particular attention to the patterns" Miss Stacy told us all as Mrs Lynde turned around, slowly clapping her hands to a beat. "Please clap out the rhythm" she said slowly as we all clapped along with her for a moment, her face lighting up as she nodded, turning back around and slipping her hands back into the other two.

We clapped along to the beat as the group of 6 danced in front of us, most of the girls laughing and giggling at all the hand holding which would occur as I watched on, already knowing this dance from the countless balls I had been to. "That's the basic pattern" Miss Stacy said as she smoothed our her skirt, all of us dropping our hands as she pulled hers out of Caleb's as quickly as she could. "Why don't we give it a try, please form sets of six, boy then girl" she said as she came over to us, putting her hand on Gilbert's shoulder as she pushed the two of us together, making me a bit startled as I grabbed Charlie's hand before he could walk away with Diana.

"Jane" I said to the brunette as she turned to look at me, a small smirk on her face as she stood in between two boys, laughing at my unlucky position as Gilbert held his hand out for me, my hand spotting into his as perfectly as it did a few months ago. He cleared his throat as he shook his hands a little bit, shaking his head as I could see a small smirk forming on his lips as I kept my eyes looking ahead at me to Jane.

"Okay" Miss Stacy said as she clapped her hands once, looking around to see Ruby awkwardly holding hands with Kyle on one side of her, barely even touching him as she held onto his thumb. "Can we just get this over with" Anne asked as Miss Stacy nodded her head, starting to clap as Mrs Lynde started shouting out numbers, all of us starting to spin in a circle.

It was a mess as everyone got confused, people swapping groups as Jane had to duck to miss a swinging arm that about hit her in the face. "Set the partner to your right" Mrs Lynde shouted as I turned to Charlie, who was laughing as he held hands, spinning around as he gathered a bit too much momentum, making me laugh as I spun around quickly, Charlie letting go of my hands as I about fell onto the floor in fits of giggles. "Okay, everyone stop"  Miss Stacy said loudly as we all stopped moving, having to find my footing as Jane laughed at me, making me laugh as well as I moved my hair out of my face.

"Okay, that was an energetic start" Miss Stacy said as Mrs Lynde looked at her with wide eyes, as she nodded her head. "How about we take a small break" Miss Stacy told us as Ruby sped out of the classroom, the boys all walking over to a corner as I looked over at Jane who shrugged her shoulders at me, all of us going after Ruby as she sat down on the bench in the coat room.


A/N: hey guys I have a little self promo here (I know i'm sorry) but I just started a new book which is a Harry Potter fic, which you should definitely go and check out if you like Harry Potter - it's called Blissful and you'll find it under my profile! I would appreciate it's amazingly
also this chapter is pretty short so there is another let that will be going up soon, I promise

A/N: hey guys I have a little self promo here (I know i'm sorry) but I just started a new book which is a Harry Potter fic, which you should definitely go and check out if you like Harry Potter - it's called Blissful and you'll find it under my pr...

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