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+ shine +

I stood at the ruins, my back against the half crumbling wall as I tapped my foot on the gravel, my hand holding my watch as I stared down at it, watching the second hand tick around slowly. The exam had finished 10 minutes ago, meaning everyone would be showing up any moment now, hopefully feeling as if they destroyed the test rather than the test destroying them. Even though I didn't sit the test today, I was still up for celebrating my friends achievements, which meant that I had come to support them, and I didn't come empty handed either.

I heard footsteps as my smile grew wider, making me push off of the wall as I pushed my watch into the pocket of my pants, a smile on my face as I watched all my classmates stampede round the corner. "We did it" Anne shouted triumphantly as she saw me, everyone cheering as I threw my hands up, shouting out cheers as they all came crashing around me, Jane engulfing me into a hug. "Graduation" she shouted as I laughed loudly, causing her ego take my shoulders in her hands as she shook me about for a moment.

"Why are you here?" Moony shouted at me, making me raise an eyebrow as everyone fell silent, a smile growing on my face. "I'm here to help you all celebrate" I told them, pushing Jane's hands off of me as I walked over to the wall, throwing the cloth off of the top of the large basket I had brought, pulling out my surprise. I held up the 2 bottles of white liquor I had scrounged form my fathers collection, hoping that he had so much he just wouldn't notice.

"And I brought the shine" I shouted as everyone laughed and cheered, excited as they threw their bags and hats down onto the ground, running over to me as I passed one of the bottles to Charlie, cracking the other one open as I took a large swing, the liquid burning like white hot lava all the way down to my stomach.


We all stood in a lines with our hands locked, laughter smiling from my lips as the campfire we had built burnt next to us, sending glowing ash up into the sky. Ruby ran at us from the adjacent team, trying to break the link between Moody and I as she failed, bouncing back as we all let out a laugh. "Drink" Joise said as she held out the bottle, Ruby taking it with a smile as she took a quick swig, all of us cheering and Josie swiped the bottle back quickly. I have no idea how long we had been playing this game, but both the bottles were running low now, not that we needed much more to drink.

"My turn" I shouted as the other team all grasping their hands with laughter and giggles. "Red Rover, Red Rover, send Kate right over" everyone shouted as I ran with a laugh, my blonde locks having flown out of their ribbon, cascading down my back. I ran straight in bwtwen Charlie and Anne, making them break hands as I almost tumbled through the pair of them. "Another point to us" Moddy cheered as my team shouted and whooped for me, Charlie putting one hand around my waist to keep me from falling as I steadied myself, a wide smile on my face.

"Watch out" Charlie said as I let out a laugh, turning towards my team and pumping my fist in the air as they all cheered, Charlie letting go on me as I walked back over, taking the bottle from Josie. "Drink up weaklings" I shouted as Anne took the bottle from me way too enthusiastically, putting her lips round the neck as she took a long sip, coughing as she passed it down to Tilly. "Follow me, my sweethearts and friends" Anne shouted as she ran to the logs that were supposed to be used as seats at this bonfire.

She jumped up onto one, using her braids to make a beard as she held them together under her chin, everyone laughing as we followed over. "Avast, ur school mateys" Anne shouted as we all shouted at her, excited for the show she was about to put on as the bottle of liquor was passed from people to people. I let out a squeal as Diana held the bottle to me, making me take it as I took a drink, someone from behind me tapping me on the shoulder. "Kate" Charlie said as I turned to look at him, wiping my bottom lip as I drooled some alcohol out with a smile.

"Hmm?" I asked as Anne told a joke, everyone laughing as I turned back around, sad I had missed the punchline. Charlie grabbed me by the waist, putting his arm around it as he lifted me off the ground, pulling me away from the crowd. I let out a loud as he put me down, holding my hand as he led me around the other side of the ruins, the destroyed wall blocking us from the rest of the group. "Charlie" I said with a smile as I leaned against the wall, pushing my hair from my sticky forehead as he stood in front of me, pushing his own hair back with his hands quickly.

All of the sudden he swooped in, trying to kiss me as I raised my hands up to block my face, turning my head away from him as I let out a yelp. Charlie pulled away from me as he took a step back, my eyes wide as I turned back towards him, letting out an awkward giggle. "Wow" I said as he cleared his throat, my finger pointing at him as I carried on laughing maniacally. "You've had way too much to drink" I said to him, even though I was just as guilty, his outline against the starry sky extremely blurry as I blinked a few times.

"Why does it take so long for a pirate to learn the alphabet?" I heard Anne shout as everyone cheered for an answer, my mind kind of occupied. "I like you Kate" he stuttered to me as I nodded my head, not knowing what to say as I tried to pull together at least 2 brain cells to figure how to approach this situation. Drunk Kate definitely wasn't prepared for this. "Okay" I said to him quietly as I nodded my head slightly, neither of us saying anything as we just stood in silence, staring at each other.

"Gilbert" I heard Tilly shout as my brain finally started working at the sound of his name, other people shouting out the same thing. I looked at Charlie, clearing my throat as I pointed my thumb over my shoulder, pushing myself off of the wall. "I'm going to" I said quickly as I started walking away, tripping on a falling brick as I stumbled, catching my footing as I kept walking to the best of my abilities. Charlie followed after me, my eyes following in Gilbert as I got to the side of the wall, the boy there in his hat and coat as everyone gathered around him.

"Is Kate" Gilbert asked as his eyes finally fell on me, but not for long as they travelled to Charlie, who was standing behind me, hands in his pockets as Josie and Ruby let out a giggle and snigger, probably thinking the worst of what had happened. "Hi" I croaked out, as I cleared my throat quickly, pushing my hair behind my ears and wiping underneath my eyes, most people going back to dancing and joking as Gilbert pointing a finger at me, raising his eyebrows as he finally spoke again.

"May I speak with you please?"


A/N: this chapter is all over the place but I kind of love it so I hope you guys do as well!
not sure if many of you noticed but I have sort of been dropping in Kate and Charlie hints in a few chapters so I felt as if it needed to have a final climax or something (don't worry, this was it)
please do not forget to vote and comment and be excited for the next chapter, I promise!!

A/N: this chapter is all over the place but I kind of love it so I hope you guys do as well! not sure if many of you noticed but I have sort of been dropping in Kate and Charlie hints in a few chapters so I felt as if it needed to have a final cli...

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