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+ white handkerchiefs +

I sat on the front steps to the school building, Anne standing next to Marillla and Matthew, who had brought their wagon along, the family talking quietly. Gilbert stood on the top stair behind me, letting out a small sigh as he looked over at Miss Stacy who just shrugged her shoulders quickly. I held my white handkerchief in my hand, my foot tapping on the step rapidly as I let out a loud sigh.

"They wouldn't not come, after all of this?" I asked, looking over at Miss Stacy who was checking her pocket watch, clasping it close as she set her hands on her hips. "Have faith" Gilbert said to me as I turned around quickly, looking up at him as he held his hands up by his hands in surrender. "It's just a suggestion, I'm not telling you what to do" he said as I let out another sigh, turning back to the front as I looked over at Anne, who gave me a sad smile and a firm nod, trying to silently communicate that I shouldn't give up just yet.

I heard a faint giggle come from around the corner, making me stand up quickly as Ruby and Tillie came into view, laughing about something as they smiled at the group of us. "Oh, thank the lord" I said with a relieved sigh as I tucked my white handkerchief into the waistband of my navy blue pants, a white blouse flowing around my arms with tighter cuffs. It only seemed fitting to wear a pair of pants today, because I knew everyone would hate it, which was what I was hoping for.

"Hey, are we late?" Ruby asked as she looked around, hearing the ding of a bicycle as the sight of Moody and Charlie riding their bikes along the field came into view. "No, not at all" I said, lying considering they were 5 minutes late already, but so was everyone else. "Welcome, welcome" I said with a wave as Moody and Charlie pulled up, Charlie waving his hand as they both rested their bikes against the school building.

One by one everyone stared to show up, holding white handkerchiefs in their hands or having them sticking out of their pockets, excitement thick in the atmosphere. "Anne" I shouted to the girl as I waved my hand at her, making her run over as she stood up on the step next to me, Gilbert standing behind the both of us. "Prissy" Miss Stacy said as I turned to look at the teacher, who was facing the other side of the school building as Prissy walked around the corner, small smile on her face and her hair twisted up perfectly in braids.

"You're here" I said to her with a smile as she nodded her head, shrugging her shoulders quickly as she looked up at me. "Jane said you were doing something absolutely daft that she totally and fundamentally disagreed with" Prissy replied to me as my smile dropped a little bit, realising that Jane wasn't here to support us, which made me quite sad. "So I had to come, may I join you?" Prissy asked me as I poured my lips for a moment, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'll think about it" I replied, letting out a loud laugh as I threw my hands up into the air. "Of course you can" I replied to her as Anne clapped her hands loudly, drawing everyone's attention to her. "Our moment is near" she shouted as she held her handkerchief up into the air, waving it about above her head. "Are you ready to fight for what's right?" she asked as I smiled widely at all of my classmates who had decided to come and support us on crashing the school boards meeting.

"Yeah" everyone shouted in reply, my included as I grabbed my handkerchief, waving it in the air as everyone followed suit. "Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't aware I had to bring a handkerchief" Prissy said as she looked about, her hands empty handed as Miss Stacy tried to think for a moment. "Prissy, I brought an extra" Marilla said as she pulled one out from her skirt pocket, handing it out to the blonde as she took with with a polite thank you.

"And you can use Diana's board, she won't be joining" Anne said to her as Prissy nodded her head in reply, making me look over at the red head quickly. I wasn't too sure on why Diana wasn't going to come today, especially considering that she had helped us with painting the boards. I didn't question it as Anne slapped a smile back onto her face, jumping up and down a few times to make the loud noise of her boots hitting the stairs.

"Let's make some noise" she shouted loudly as we all let out loud cheers, waving out handkerchiefs in the air as I hopped down off of the stairs, Gilbert following after me as we smiled at each other briefly, the whole class beginning to make our way down the path that led to the town.


A/N: hey guys, i'm so so sorry for not updating in so long i'm sure you are so sick of me apologising but here's another chapter to hopefully make up for it!
it's all about to go down and the next scene was definitely one of my favourite from the show so i'm super excited to write about it
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you soon (I promise)

A/N: hey guys, i'm so so sorry for not updating in so long i'm sure you are so sick of me apologising but here's another chapter to hopefully make up for it! it's all about to go down and the next scene was definitely one of my favourite from the ...

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Doctor ~ G.Blythe [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora