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+ highest bidder +


I sat at the breakfast table, my fork in my hand as I pushed my eggs around my plate, my mother and father sitting at either end of the table as we sat in silence, only the noise of the cutlery scraping on plates filling the air as I picked up some egg, putting it in my mouth. I reached forward, grabbing the pot of jam as I picked up my knife, spreading it on my toast as I pushed it back into the middle of the table, taking a bite from it.

"What are you planning on doing today?" my mother asked me as she looked up at me, not earning a reply as I carried on eating, staring ahead of me as she looked down at her plate, continuing to eat after the silence which followed her question. My father let out a deep sigh as he put his fork down on his plate, creating a large clashing sound as he pushed his plate away from him, leaning his arms on the table as he straightened his back.

"This is getting ridiculous Catherine" he said as I sniffled, still ignoring him as I picked up my fork in my other hand, finishing off the crust of my toast as I stared down at the eggs on my plate. "When will you stop this ludicrousy" he said forcefully, almost making me scared as I kept my eyes in front of me, swallowing my toast quickly. "Am I allowed to stay in Avonlea?" I asked as he sighed deeply, sounding very disappointed in me, but I didn't seem to care that much.

"It's out of the question" he said to me as I nodded my head once, piercing some eggs with my fork as I put it into my mouth. "We cannot go on like this any longer" my mother said to me as I looked up at her with my eyebrows raised, looking down at my father quickly. "Why didn't you tell me that I wasn't allowed to marry Gilbert when I asked to bring him to the ball?" I asked them, needing to know answers as my father sighed, shaking his head. "We never intended to send you to finishing school, we would not have moved here if we did" he said to me as I looked at him, a confused look on my face as I put my fork down.

"Why are you sending me back then?" I asked him as he looked over at my mother, my eyes following as well as I looked at her, seeing her look at me sympathetically. "The Farthings wrote to us, their son is the same age as you, Tobias" she said to me as I let out a laugh, shaking my head as I looked over at my father once again. "So you sold me off to the highest bidder" I said to him, in disbelief as a i shook my head, my father looking over at me again, not looking rather angry with me at this moment. "You got along well with him" he told me as I nodded my head, holding my hands in my lap as I squeezed my fingers.

"As friends, I don't want to marry him" I said, sighing as I closed my eyes for a moment, shaking my head. "Catherine, you will go" he said to me, putting his fist on the table as I nodded my head, looking up at him. "I know I will be, because you're not giving me any choice" I said to him bluntly as I stood up, my chair scraping along the floor as I looked up at my mother. "May I be excused?" I asked her as she nodded her head at me, causing me to walk away from the table, not even tucking my chair in as I went to the entrance hall, pulling my coat from the hook as I pulled it on, leaving the house as I shut the door behind me.

The spring air had started to grant its presence, my black trousers flowing around my legs as I walked across the house, walking around the side as I made my way over to the barn which was at the back of the field around the back of the house. I huffed as I made my way up the small incline, opening the gate as I walked into the field, making sure to close it being me. I reached the barn as I pulled the top of the barn door open, looking in as the large white horse stood up, seeing me there as I clicked with my tongue at him.

"Hi Jasper" I said to him as he poked his head out of the door, my hand patting in between his ears as I smiled at him. "Let's go for a ride huh?" I said to him as I opened the bottom of the door open, letting him slowly leave the barn as he grazed the grass for a moment. I closed the stable door, making my around to the other side of the barn, opening the door to reveal the storage, saddles and headbraces hung on the wall with all the feed and hay on the other side, hay bales I had make yesterday ready for when I had to come up at night to feed him.

I grabbed a headbrace and set of reigns, throwing them over my shoulder as I picked up a saddle with a big heave, leaving the barn again as I kicked the door close, walking over to the horse as I prepared it, knowing how to ride a horse since I was about 7. I never really rode side saddle, never having to considering that I didn't ride it for anything outside of leisure.

"Let go" I said as I held him by the head collar, slowly walking him down to the gate as I opened it, leading him out of the field as I closed the gate behind me, stopping as I held onto the saddle, putting my foot in the step as I pulled myself up, hauling myself onto his back as Jasper started walking slowly towards the woods. I wasn't entirely sure on where we were going but all I knew was that I wanted to be anywhere except from here.


A/N: Tobias huh? maybe you should keep that name in your head for a little while but who am I to say right?

A/N: Tobias huh? maybe you should keep that name in your head for a little while but who am I to say right? anyway, please vote and comment AND EPISODE 3 IS GOING TO START IN MY BOOK AND EPISODE 3 MAKES ME CRY

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