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+ auntie katie +

Gilbert and I walked along the snowy woodland path, the January sun poking through the spaces in between the trees and branches as I held Gilbert's shakes by the laces, letting them dangle off of my finger as we made our way back to his house.

"Did you buy a stick off of that man?" I asked him as he nodded his head in reply, holding his stick over his shoulder as my foot went straight through the thick snow. "How much was it?" I asked him as he shrugged his shoulders, pulling all the coins he had out of his pocket as he counted them quickly. "Not too much, pretty much nothing actually" he replied as he put his coins back in his pocket.

"I wonder if it's difficult" I said to him as he laughed, shaking his head as he dragged his legs through the snow. "I had a look at Moody's one, it looks really well made" He told me as I nodded my head, shoving my free hand into my pocket, my hands cold even though I had a pair of gloves on. "It's a good business, especially with the fact that you all need new sticks" I said to him with a smile as he nodded his head at me.

"Too bad you lost though" I said with a smirk as he laughed, shaking his head as he nudged my ribs with his elbow, his free hand also tucked into his pocket. "It's not my fault Billy hit me in the shins" he told me as I laughed, shaking my head as we left the woods, the Blythe house sitting at the end of a field as we made our way through it, laughing at each other as we stood on the back porch, Gilbert balancing his stick against the wall as I set his skated down before smacking my boots on the wooden block that sat next to the door.

Gilbert opened the door after doing the same, walking inside to see Mary stirring something in a pot, Delphi strapped to her back as she looked at us smiling. "How was the game?" she asked as I pulled my gloves off, putting them on the table as I closed the door behind me. "Gilbert's team lost" I told her as she laughed, continuing to sit the pot as I walked over to her, pulling Delphi out of the holder as I held her in my arms.

"Hello" I said to her as I rocked her in my arms, her large brown eyes sweeping over my face as Gilbert stood next to me, smiling down at the baby. "Uncle Gilbert lost a hockey game today" I said to her in a baby voice, a smile on my face as Gilbert rolled his eyes, walking away from me and sitting down at the table as I moved around, bouncing the baby in my arms. "I was sabotaged" Gilbert said as he crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair as Bash walked into the kitchen from the hall, looking over at Gilbert.

"How were you sabotaged?" he asked him as I smiled, looking over at the man as he saw me holding his daughter, walking over as smiling at her. "Gilbert lost the hockey game, yes he did" I said to Delphine as she flashed me a gummy smile, causing me to laugh at her as I passed the baby over to Bash, who was also laughing. "Not that surprising, Uncle Gilby-Goo is bad at hockey woo" Bash said in a baby voice as Gilbert let out an angry breath, causing me to walk over to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning my chin on the top of my head as as held my hands.

"You're lucky I'm not breaking up with you, how am I supposed to go back to school with everyone knowing my boyfriend lost the hockey game" I said to him as he let go of my hands, dropping his onto his lap as I smiled at him, moving my head and kissing his cheek quickly before sitting down in the chair next to him, leaning back into it as I smirked over to him to see him looking at me with a straight face.

"Why is Gilby-Goo so cross?" I said, mocking Bash's baby voice as I leaned forward, putting my hand on Gilbert's chin as I pinched his cheeks, shaking his head lightly as he continued to stare at me. "Because everyone is tormenting me" he replied, his cheeks still squished together as he replied with no emotion at all, causing me to laugh as I lifted up from the chair every so slightly, moving my head closer to him as I kissed him, moving my hand to cup his cheek as  we kissed.

"Kate might become Auntie Katie a lot sooner than we thought, Delphi" Bash said as I moved away from Gilbert, who had a smile on his face as I sat back down in my chair. "Don't tease them" Mary said as she picked up the pot, lifting it over to the wooden slab on the table as she continued to stir the soup inside of it. "I'm just saying what I see" Bash shrugged as Mary turned towards him, cooing as she took Delphine into her arms, smiling down at her as she ran her finger over her cheeks.

"Right, it's feeding time for the little one too" she said as she raised her eyebrows, Bash untying the apron from around her waist as she twisted out of it before leaving the room to feed Delphine. "Are you staying for lunch?" Bash asked me as I nodded my head, Gilbert standing up as he moved over to the cabinet, grabbing some bowls out from it. "Did you manage to talk to that Indian man to order a stick?" Bash asked Gilbert as he laid the bowls out, Bash taking the spoon from the pot of soup Mary had made for us.

"I was talking to the girls, their mothers have told them some disgraceful rumours about the tribe" I told them both as Bash sighed, starting to put some soup in a bowl. "They ain't used to it, I remember when I first came, I was turning heads left and right" Bash said as Gilbert walked over to the table pushed up against the wall, grabbing a loaf of bread which was wrapped in cloth as he grabbed a knife from the counter too. "It doesn't make any sense, I'm just as foreign as you and the Indian community yet no one questioned my place here" I said as I stood up, taking the knife from Gilbert as I started cutting up the loaf into slices.

"Because you fit in with the appearance they want, and it's as simple as that" Bash said as he shook his head, silence filling the room as I shook my head, for once feeling rather disgraced of the attitude of the people of Avonlea.


A/N: some more Kate and Gilbert content for you and honestly the parts where Kate is with Mary and Bash are my favourite ones they are defo two of my favourite characters in the show
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

A/N: some more Kate and Gilbert content for you and honestly the parts where Kate is with Mary and Bash are my favourite ones they are defo two of my favourite characters in the show please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

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