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+ take extra notice +

I made my way through the woods towards the school, it being the first Monday back at school since Tom left the other day, which still made me have sad sleepless nights knowing that my big brother wasn't just down the hall. Dinners over the weekend had been as boring as anything, absolutely no conversation taking place between my parents and I as the only sound which filled the room was the clicking of cutlery.

I swung my basket by my side as I made my way through the trees, being a bit later than I normally was as I had to eat my breakfast in the kitchen, having taken my plate off of the riding table and walked through to the kitchen without permission, but my mother didn't care to tell me otherwise. I made my way out of the clearing, walking on the path as I saw mostly everyone stood looking at the Take Notice board.

It hadn't been active in weeks now, the posts still being there but no one really ever updating it that much, as most of the gossip to do with relationships got around by word of mouth pretty quickly. I furrowed my eyes as I watched them all whisper to each other, confused looks on their faces as I made my way behind the group of boys and girl who were my classmates.

I stood there for a moment, wondering what they were talking about as I took another small step forward, hearing a little bit of Tillie and Janes conversation. "Why didn't she tell us?" I heard her ask as I cleared my throat, everyone turning to look at me with wide eyes, Jane pushing her way towards me and out of the group. "What's going on?" I asked her as she looked at me worried, pulling my into a hug which was a little bit too tight, making me even more confused.

"I'm so sorry" she said to me as she swayed me from side to side, my arms straight against my side as she squeezed me tightly, my basket hitting off of my legs. She let me go abruptly, making me almost fall over, causing me to awkwardly laugh as she looked down at me with a sad look. "What do you mean?" I asked her, still confused as she looked back at everyone, all of them staring at me as I moved past Jane, the group parting as I made my way through to look at the board.

The two new pieces of paper stared at me as I read over it in my head, my lips parting softly as my heart dropped for about the millionth time in the last week. A ripped off piece of paper said 'Gilbert and Kate aren't together anymore', which was sitting next to another saying 'Gilbert was saw with another girl in the tea shop in Charlotte Town'.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I let out a deep breath, turning around to look at everyone, every single one of their eyes staring straight at me as I walked through them once again, turning as I ignored them all, making my way into the classroom. I stood in the door way as I saw Gilbert sitting at Miss Stacy desk, the teacher pointing at something he had written as he looked at what she was holding, nodding his head as she spoke. I quickly pulled my hat off and hung up my coat, taking my books and walking into the classroom, the two looking up at me.

Gilbert looked away quickly as Miss Stacy smiled at me, looking at the window to still see everyone standing outside, still a little confused apparently. "Morning" I said to her as she replied, pointing at the window as Gilbert's eyes followed her finger, looking as well as Miss Stacy looked at me. "What's going on out there?" she asked me sweetly as I sat down, putting my legs under the table as I started loosening the belt holding my books together.

"There's just a new notice on the Take Notice board" I told her quietly, her face lighting up as she smiled at me, everyone slowly filing into the cloakroom as the excitement over the new posts had died down some what. "Anything interesting?" she asked me as Gilbert shifted in his chair, clearly already having read the posts, assuming he wasn't the one to have put them up this morning.

"Not really" I replied quickly, shaking my head with an awkward smile as she nodded her head, going back to talk to Gilbert as everyone made their way into the classroom, whispers still circling the room as gazed fell upon me, Jane sitting down as all the girls did, trying their hardest not to look at me. "Do you want to come to my house tonight for dinner?" Jane asked me as she looked over at me with a smile, a small silent sigh of release escaping my lips as I was thankful that it wasn't a question about Gilbert.

"Yeah, sure" I told her with a shrug of my shoulder as she smiled, nodding her head as she got e books ready for the lesson ahead, which would probably be newspaper works anyway. Even though I knew that going to the Andrews house would probably mean getting questioned to no end by Jane about the whole Gilbert situation, I was still rather happy to be getting out of my house and away from my parents tonight.


A/N: i wonder who wrote them and put them up? hmmmm
i've had this idea for a while because the take notice board literally disappeared after episode 1 and I feel as if it could have made some good story lines but oh well
please vote and comment and I will see you soon

A/N: i wonder who wrote them and put them up? hmmmm i've had this idea for a while because the take notice board literally disappeared after episode 1 and I feel as if it could have made some good story lines but oh well please vote and comment an...

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