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+ downgrade +

I sat in Janes room, both of us sitting on the carpeted floor, my back leaning against the wall with my legs out in front of me as she leaned against her bed with her legs crossed, her dress pulled over her knees. I had been to the Andrews' household before but never in Jane's room, only ever been here from an invite from Prissy.

"Have you seen Anne's horse, she's darling" Jane said to me as I nodded my head, agreeing quickly as I moved my head forward, not leaning the top of my head against the wall anymore. "Tom just left, so I guess I have a bourse now too" I said with a small laugh as I shrugged my shoulders, Jane looking at me with wide eyes.  "I've never ridden a horses astride before" she told me as I looked over at her with raised eyebrows having the best idea.

"I should teach you, you should come to my house and I'll teach you" I told her as she laughed, nodding her head before stopping, looking quite worried now. "My mother won't let me, what if I get hurt?" she said, shaking her head as she held her hands out, now completely rejecting the idea of riding. "Come on, she wouldn't even know" I told her as I looked over at her, wiggling my eyebrows as she laughed, leaning her head back.

"Fine" she shouted as I clapped my hands, making her sigh as she shook her head at me. "My mother is going to freak out if she finds out" Jane squealed, holding her hands out in front of her as I pointed her, my eyebrows raised. "Well, we will make sure she won't find out then" I said to her as she nodded her head, grabbing the hem of her skirt as she played with it, now rather scared that she just agreed to do something against her parents consent.

"Why did you and Gilbert break up?" she asked me, my smile vanishing from my face as I let out a deep breath, not surprised at all by her bluntness, knowing that that's what Jane Andrews did best. "I'm leaving Avonlea when you all go to Queens" I told her as she nodded, looking over at me with furrowed eyebrows. "We all are, we stay in a boarding house" she told me, confused as I smiled at her confusion for a moment, shaking me head.

"No, I'm going back to Australia to go to finishing school" I told her as she looked over at me, a bit shocked as she stared at me for a moment. "My father wouldn't let me marry Gilbert, he's does fit the criteria" I said, using my fingers to indicate air quotes, not exactly knowing what the criteria even was to marry into my family. "So that's why Ruby saw Gilbert with that blonde" she said as I looked over at her, my eyebrows furrowed as she closed her mouth, looking down at the ground as she pieces it together in her head.

"Ruby wrote that on the board?" I asked Jane as she looked back up at me, nodding her head as if I should have known, which I didn't. "She was in Charlotte Town and saw them in the tea shop, she told me in school and then the next day it was on the board" Jane said with a shrug, making me laugh lightly, shaking my head as I looked down, not exactly knowing what to do.

"Well, she can call dibs again if she wants to" I said as I looked back up at Jane who looked at me sympathetically, a small pout on her lips. "I thought you would get married, once you turned 17" she said to me as I shook my head, pursing my lips and raised my eyebrows. "Not according to my father" I said as we sat in silence for a moment before she stood up, holding her hand out to me as I looked up at her, Jane taking the white overcoat of her dress off and setting it on her bed, no longer needing it.

"Let's go see if there's any pie downstairs" she said to me as I grabbed her hand, standing up quickly as I ran my hand over my skirt, straightening it as a i fixed my sleeves quickly, throwing my hair over my shoulder. "Your mother wouldn't enjoy us spoiled dinner" I said to her mockingly as we made our way out of her room, Jane laughing as we walked down the hall, a door to the side opening. "Katie" Billy said as we turned around to look at him, the blonde leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, his white shirt baggy around his arms as he smiled at me.

"I've heard you broke Gilbert's heart" he said to me as he leaned his head against the frame, Jane standing behind me as she let out a sigh, crossing her arms as I looked over at the boy. "Something like that" I replied with a shrug of my shoulders, earning a smile from the blonde as he laughed lightly. "Just so you know, you can break my heart whenever you want" he said to me before winking, my expression not changing as I stared back at him, Jane scoffing lightly from behind me.

"I'll keep that in mind" I said awkwardly, nodding my head as he went back into his room, Jane laughing as I turned around to look at her, shaking my head as she raised her eyebrows at me. "You'd be downgrading" she said to me as I laughed, nodding my head as we started walking down the stairs, a patterned carpet running down the middle of them. "I know" I replied as we both laughed, making the way to the bottom of the stairs as we turned the corner, going towards the kitchen in search of pie.


A/N: hello, another chapter with an Andrews sister, just a different one I guess. It wasn't planned that she was best friends with Prissy and now is with Jane I promise, I just felt as if it would be easier to write her character as it was the one I knew most about
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

 It wasn't planned that she was best friends with Prissy and now is with Jane I promise, I just felt as if it would be easier to write her character as it was the one I knew most about please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Doctor ~ G.Blythe [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang