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+ cakes +


I skipped up the steps to the back porch of my house, swinging the basket I was holding by my side as I pushed open the door, walking into the kitchen. I smiled at my mother, closing the back door as I held out the basket of flowers to my mother, who was standing over two cake pans she was wafting with a tea towel to cool them down. She was currently in the process of making her cake for the competition tomorrow at the fair, and I was on the duty to find decorations for it.

"There was some blue bells" I told her, pointing at them as I put the basket up on the table so she could see inside the basket. "That should be great thank you" she said to me as she smiled over at me, gently taking all the flowers and leaves I had gathered out of the basket. "Are you making a chocolate icing?" I asked her as I put my hands on the table, leaning forward as I looked at the cakes she was still trying to cool.

"Maybe, I haven't decided yet" she replied to me, shrugging her shoulders as she looked down at the cakes before looking back up at me with raised eyebrows. "If you do will you let me lick the spoon?" I asked her as she laughed, shaking her head as she smiled over at me. "I will think about that" she replied as I nodded my head, hoping that she would make a chocolate icing now.

"I saw Matthew's radish he is growing for the competition, it was massive" I said to her as I reached forward, taking a raspberry from the bowl that was on the table, popping it into my mouth as she looked at me pointedly. "I was saving them" She told me as she shook her head at me, causing me to shrug my shoulders as she raised her eyebrows. "It's a shame your father wasn't a farmer" mother said to me as I laughed, taking the loop off of the button of my shoulder cover as I pulled it off. "You know we would never have a harvest if he was" I said to her as she nodded her head at me holding her hands on her hips as she still held the cloth in her hand.

"You do have a point" she said to me as she looking down at the cakes, putting her hand on top of them to see if they had cooled down or not yet. "There's post at the front door that Rachel picked you for us earlier" she told me as I nodded my head at her, walking around the table as I kissed her on the cheek quickly before leaving the kitchen, walking down the long hallway towards the front door. I hung my coat up quickly as I saw the small pile of letters on the first stair, causing me to grab them as I sat down a few stairs up, setting the letters in my lap.

I shuffled through the first few of them, either being addressed to my father or my mother, not recognising any of the handwriting on the front of them. The last one that sat in my legs had an interesting stamp on the top left corner, a small emblem which I recognised as I pulled it out of the pile, setting the rest of the pile down.

'Parent of Catherine Prewett' was written on the front in neat cursive, my eyes going back up to the emblem as I finally figured out what the small print said. 'Sydney Finishing School' it read as I let out a deep breath throwing the letter back on top of the pile as I stood up, rolling my eyes as I walked up the stairs slowly, banging my boots on the wood a little louder than normal as I trudged down to my room, my good mood now ruined.

I still hadn't managed to convince my father that it was better for me to stay in Avonlea, my parents choosing to stay for a few months before coming back to Australia to meet up with both Tom and I again. I walked into my room as I went to my desk, sitting down as I stared at the half finished letter that I had started writing to Tom earlier this morning. I didn't pick up my pen as I leaned back in my chair, tipping my head back as I closed my eyes gently.

Finishing school was nothing but learning table manners and being taught how to politely introduce ourselves when meeting potential suitors. If I stayed here in Canada I could easily attend Queens with everyone else, hopefully earning my degree in something that would not only be useful but practical. But more importantly I would have been able to stay with Gilbert, which at the moment seemed like a possibility which would never happen.

I leaned forward, letting out a deep sigh as I picked up my pen, looking down at my letter as I continued to write my letter to my older brother, trying to push the thought about the impending thought of leaving Avonlea.


A/N: hello, here's another short chapter for you just to fill in some gaps I guess, this book is going to be super long which is what i've realised do I might just keep this book going till the end of season 3 and then start a new book, how does everyone feel about that?

A/N: hello, here's another short chapter for you just to fill in some gaps I guess, this book is going to be super long which is what i've realised do I might just keep this book going till the end of season 3 and then start a new book, how does e...

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