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+ packing +

I walked into my house, holding a basket in my hand which Diana had lent me, a cloth covering the top of it as I walked into the house, looking in the living room quickly to not see anyone there, furrowing my eyebrows as I made my way down the hall and into the dining room, seeing my mother and father sitting there talking to each other.

My mother's stopped talking as they saw me, a swish of her hand telling my father to stop talking as well as she stood up, clearly the conversation being tense as I walked into the room, a smile on my face as I ignored the tension. "Hello, dear" my mother said as I put the basket up on the table, pulling the cloth off. "Did you have a nice time?" father asked me as my mother looked into the basket, her eyebrows raising at the sight of the amazing cakes I had brought back with me.

"Yes, it was amazing, there was lots of leftover cakes so Diana let us take some home" I said as I pushed the basket over to my mother who nodded her head, showing the basket to my father. "Was Anne surprises?" my mother asked me as I nodded my head quickly, a large smile spreading onto my face just at the memory of the fire haired girls face when she saw us in the Barry household's parlour with all the decorations. "She was definitely surprised" I told her as she smiled down at me kindly, nodding her head as she took the basket into her hands, ready to put the cakes into the kitchen.

"Where's Tom?" I asked them as my father smiled at me, putting my hand on the table. "In his room, packing" he told me as I nodded my head in reply, my smile dropping a little bit, knowing that he was due to leave rather soon, which was much sooner than I would have hoped for him to leave. "I'm going to go see if he'd like my help" I told the two as my mother excused me, letting me leave the dinning room as I climbed up the stairs and made my way to Tom's room, seeing the door opened as I leaned against the door frame.

I watched as the blonde boy folded up a picture frame in a cloth, preparing to put it into his trunk which was mostly filled with his books at the moment, his back to me as I smiled sadly as the sight f his pretty much empty room. "Might want to fold that a bit tighter" I said to him as he turned to look at me, a smile on his face as he nodded his head, refolding the cloth around the frame as I slowly walked into the room, sitting on top of his second closed trunk.

"How was the party?" Tom asked me as he looked over at me, his hair almost in his eyes as I placed my hands under my thighs, almost sitting on them as I nodded my head at him. "It was quite fun" I said as he looked away from me, taking the frame in his hands as he placed it into his trunk. "Any idea why they are downstairs having a quite heated talk?" I asked him as he stood up straight, setting his hands on his hips, his suspenders over his white shirt as he blew a piece of his hair away from his eyes.

"I haven't been down since lunch" he told me with a shrug of his shoulders as I let out a deep breath, looking around the room to see his bare shelves holding nothing but a dusting cloth. "When do you leave?" I asked him as he let out a deep breath, thinking about it as he walked over to his bed, sitting on and putting his hands out behind him. "On the 2nd" he told me as I nodded my head, neither of us talking as silence masked over the room, the whole house rather sad about the loss of my brother from the Avonlea house.

"You need to keep riding my horse so she doesn't get lonely" Tom told me as he sighed, lying back on his bed as he put his arms out at either side of him, letting out another deep breath. "I think you'll find Jasper is our horse" I told him as he turned his head towards me, smiling as he closed his eyes for a moment. "Are you excited to go home?" I asked him as he opened one eye, scrunching his nose as he lifted one arm above him, just holding it there as I waited for an answer.

"I mean, it will be a change, we haven't even been here for that long if you think about it" he told me as he rolled over into his side, looking over at me as I raised my eyebrows and moved my head to the side. "Feels like we only came last week" I told him as he nodded his head, a smile on his face as he finally sat up, looking around his room quickly before he looked over at me, a sad look in his eyes.

"University should be a change" he said with a shrug of his shoulders as I laughed a little, not knowing what else to do as I nodded my head in agreement. "Let's hope you're still smart enough to go" I said to him as he smiled, pulling a face at me as I laughed, both of us enjoying the limited amount of time we had left together as the impending date slowly approached.


A/N: i'm not looking forward to writing the chapter when Tom leaves, but who knows what the future chapters might bring us eh?
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

A/N: i'm not looking forward to writing the chapter when Tom leaves, but who knows what the future chapters might bring us eh?please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Doctor ~ G.Blythe [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang