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+ flower crowns +

I stood in the garden, holding a small flower crown in my hand as I had a similar one on the top of my head, my blonde hair curled lightly as it flowed down my back, the light breeze blowout through it. Everyone was gathered in the back flower garden of the Barry household, mingling filling the air as I looked around quickly, the bloomed flowers looking amazing as we waiting for the arrival of Mary.

"Kate" Anne said from behind me as she came to stand next to me, a similar flower crown on her red hair which was flowing over his green dress today, aside smile on her face. "It looks amazing" she told me as I nodded my head, smiling as I looked around, my eyes falling over Gilbert in a white shirt as he stood talking to Mary's friends, Constance and Jocelyn. "I know, I'm so happy with how it came together" I said to her as I turned towards Anne, who quickly hugged me, her hair smelling of flowers as my crown almost fell off of my head.

"They are coming" Diana squealed as she ran into the garden, holding her flowers on top of her head as she had a smile on her face, everyone exclaiming as we grouped together, Anne grabbing my hand as we waited for Sebastian and Mary to show up. The couple came through the archway which had been weaved with roses, Mary in Bash's arms, the hat I had made her with flowers on the brim on top of her head as she smiled widely, letting out a deep breath as she saw the garden. "Welcome to your easter, Mary" I said to her as she laughed at me, Bash standing still as Mary shook her head at me.

"Happy Easter, Mary" people said as she laughed, throwing her head back lightly as she pointed at me, her hand shaking as she did so. "You're an angel, Catherine Prewett" she said to me as I laughed, walking up to her as I took her hands in mines, smiling as I fought back tears, kissing her hands gently as she smiled at me brightly, just like it was before she got sick, as if there was nothing wrong with her.


We all gathered around Mary, who was sitting on the day bed which had a canopy over it, paper butterflies, which Rosie and Tillie had made from the left over papers we had which weren't fit for being handed out, hanging down from the metal frame as Mary looked up, smiling at it all. "Here comes Delphi" Marilla said as Mathew came from around the corner, holding the baby in his arms as he slowly bounced over to Mary, who waved as she took Delphi into her arms.

"This is for her" Minnie May said as she held out a small flower crown Anne had made for Delphi, Mary taking it from her gently as she set it on top of Delphi's head, everyone melting at the cuteness of her. "That's fit for a princess" Mary said as she nodded her head at Minnie May who smiled, scrunching her eyebrows. "She looks like a chocolate princess" Minnie said as everyone fell silent for a moment, looking over at her as Mary burst into laughter, nodding her head as she squeezed Delphi's cheek gently.

"You're right, Minnie May, she is a pretty little chocolate princess" Mary said as we all laughed, Mrs Barry setting her hand on Minnies shoulder as my mother stood next to me, a small smile on her face as she nodded her head at me. Not everyone from the town was here, only Mary's close friends, which is exactly what she would have wanted if she had known, but everyone in the town had helped, donating flowers from their gardens for our crowns and decorations, which I was extremely grateful for.

"I don't know how to thank you all" Mary said to us, tears welling in her eyes as Bash grabbed her hand, sitting down next to her as she looked around at us, shaking her head. "The community brought itself to you" Bash told her as she closed her eyes for a moment, a year falling from her eye as she looked up at us all once again. "I'll just read my favourite prayer if that's alright" she said as we all nodded our heads, my mothers soft touch on my shoulder as I pushed my hair over my shoulder, watching as a Mary pulled out her small bible, the page already marked.

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace" she started, looking down at her page as a tear fell, hitting her bible as she wiped her cheek slowly, shaking her head as Bash took Delphi from her, smiling at his child. "Where there is hatred, let me sow love" Mary continued, her voice choking up as she bowed her head, setting her hand on her chest as tears fell from her eyes, making me extremely sad as I took a step forward. "Where there is injury, pardon" I started, Mary looking up at me as I sat down next to her, taking the book from her as I looked down at the page, the verse underlined as I read from the page.

"Where there is despair, hope" I said, looking up from the bible as Mary smiled at me, laughing unbelievably as I looked over at Gilbert, who was staring straight back at me as I swallowed the lump in my throat, looking down once again. "Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy" everyone joined in, Bash handing out bibles which were sitting next to him, everyone flicking through the pages to the verse as they all joined in on my reading.

"O divine master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; To be loved as to love" we read, my eyes drifting upwards as I looked over at Gilbert, who had his eyebrows furrowed in silence as he read from the page. "For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned" I read as I took in a small breath, a tear falling down my cheek slowly as I looked up at Mary, who was looking over at Bash as she set her head on his shoulder.

"And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life"


also it's nothing like how it in the show but OH WELL it doesn't matter (I cut out the whole singing thing, I found that weird) also why did bash just randomly have bibles? -that was in the show btw-
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon (hopefully)

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