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I pushed the door open slightly, holding Delphi on my hip as I walked into Mary's room, her head turning towards us as a smile spread onto her hollow face, sitting up slowly as I stood at the side of the bed, pointing at Mary as Delphi looked at me, causing me to smile at her.

"Look, it's mama" I said to Delphi, Mary holding her arms up weakly as I passed the baby over to her, leaning on the bed with one knee. She took her into her arms, her eyes welling with tears as she kissed her on the head, holding her close to her as she took in a deep breath, looking over at me as I sat on the edge of the bed, facing her as she shook her head at me.

"Gilbert explained it all to me" she said to me as I reached out, grabbing her free hand in mines as I moved up next to her, her arm wrapping around my shoulder as I put my head on hers, a tear falling from my eye as she laid her head on top of mines. "I'm so sorry" I sobbed, wiping my cheek with the back of my hand as she kissed my forehead quickly, the bed creaking a little bit.

"You need to come see Delphi every so often, she can use a strong girl like you to look up to" she told me, letting out a shaky breath as I wiped my cheek with the back of my hand. "I will be" I told her, nodding my head as we sat there in silence, Delphi babbling to herself as she put her fingers in her mouth, Mary laughing as he as she sat up, looking down at her daughter.

"I need to slap some sense into that boy downstairs, mark my words" she said to Delphi in a soft voice as she let her lie on her legs, propping her up as the babies small fingers wrapped around Mary's. I shook my head at her, letting out a small breath as she looked over at me, giving me a pointed look. "It's not Gilbert's fault" I told her, shaking my head as she let out a small cough, setting her hand on her chest as she looked over at me before watching Delphi try to put Mary's finger in her mouth.

"I'm not leaving until you two have sorted out your priorities" she said to me quietly, making me smile sheepishly as I watched Mary play with her daughter to the best of her abilities, her frail and sickly demeanour worsening by every growing minute.


I walked into the kitchen, both Bash and Gilbert sitting at the table, neither talking to each other as they stared at different thing, sadness lining the walls of the house after the news which had been delivered by my father earlier this afternoon. "I best be going" I said to them as Bash looked up at me, nodding his head as he wiped his face with his hand, leaning back in his chair as I grabbed my shoulder shawl which was draped over the back of one of the empty chairs. 

"Thank you for looking after Delphi" Bash said to me, standing up as I nodded my head at him, pulling my shawl over my shoulders and clasping it in place as I looked over at Bash. He held his arms out as I hugged him, Bash setting his head on top of mines as we stood like that for a moment, knowing that both of us could use the comfort at this certain moment in time. "I always will, never be afraid to ask" I told him as I pulled away, earning a weak smile and a small nod.

I nodded my head at him as I picked up my hat from the table, holding it in my hand as I set my hand on the door handle, opening it and swiftly putting the the hat a top of my head. "Katie" Gilbert said, standing up quickly as his chair squeaked along the floor, causing me to turn around to look at him, his hands at either side of him as we stared at each other.

Neither of us said anything as we looked at each other, Gilbert clearing his throat as he nodded his head at me a few times. "Thank you" he said to me as I parted my lips, smiling at him slightly as I nodded in return to him. "No problem" I replied, turning back around as I walked out of the house, pulling the door closed lightly behind me as I let go of the handle, standing on the porch with my back to the house for a moment, not moving. I let out a small breath as I walked down the back porch steps, making my way towards the woods for the quick way home.


A/N: quite a short chapter but i'm sorry i'll make it up to you soon I promise
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

A/N: quite a short chapter but i'm sorry i'll make it up to you soon I promise please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

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