"You're a bit young to have a child of your own aren't you?" A deep, raspy voice echoed through my ears and I whipped my head round to a tall, dark haired man, about 20 years old. "Don't get me started on the fact there is no way that body held a baby for 9 months." He smirked.

I blinked, shocked at how forward this complete stranger was being. "Actually he's n-"

"Ours." I heard a deep voice from behind me and I whipped my head round to see Niall, holding Mia's hand. The look on his face showed he was less than impressed and he was breathing heavily, something I noticed he did when he was angry. "Now If you don't mind." He gestured his hand to the side, signalling for him to leave. The look on the guys face showed only shock, and I thought it was because Niall was angry until he spoke, this time to Niall.

"Horan? Is that you? Mate sorry, I didn't know. I haven't seen you in fuckin years! The last time I saw you, you were being shipped off to the US, and now you're what, married? and have a kid? Holy shit how things have changed. I never thought mr player would settle down." He chuckled, and Niall's face immediately softened, obviously recognizing who this person was. Although I was still completely unaware. 

"Joe? Is that you mate, sorry. Holy fuck. Nah, we're not married. He's my nephew, you know that's not me, she isn't even my girlfriend. Just friends. You know I'm not the relationship kinda guy." Niall chuckled nervously and I couldn't help the shattering in my chest that soon spread throughout my body, I had to try my best not to let the tears escape my eyes. I could understand his friends knew him as the 14 year old boy that did whatever pleased him but he had changed, or at least I thought he had.

"Um, I'll go get them changed, uh. You two can.. catch up." I gave him a  fake smile, which he returned with a smile that looked almost apologetic. But the damage had already been done and he didn't exactly look like he regretted it.

I picked up Theo, then walked into the changing rooms with Mia behind me, she also looked sad, as if she knew what had happened. 

"Why did Niall say you weren't his girlfriend, I thought you were?" She frowned, and I realized it was the first time she hadn't called him by his nickname. 

"I'm not sure, It's complicated but I think it's time we get changed, here's the key to your locker, get your stuff and we can go to the cafe okay?" She nodded, leaving with the key to find her locker while I found my own and Niall's that had Theo's clothes. 

Once everyone was dressed, Theo started crying, and I really was beginning to think that i didn't want children of my own If I couldn't even look after them. 


We sat on the balcony that overlooked the pool and I could see Niall talking away with Joe, laughing and probably reminiscing all of their old memories. It was about 20 minutes later when Joe finally shook his hand and left, while Niall went to get changed, I left his locker unlocked, I definitely didn't want to talk to him any more than I had to. Another 5 minutes passed and Niall was on the balcony.

Once we were at the car i buckled Theo in, as well as Mia and made my way to the front seat, where we were about to have a very awkward drive back to Maura's. 

He put his hand on my knee, but i pushed it off, resting my head against the window and soon falling asleep. 

It had felt like hours later when I felt someones arms wrap around my legs, lifting me. I opened my eyes to come face-to-face with Niall. I sat up, and he let me down, "Get off of me." I spat. 

"Elana look I'm sorry, I was under pressure, telling him that I was the same Niall seemed to be the easier option." 

"Sometimes the easy way is the wrong way, do you know how embarrassed I was? Hoping you were going to tell him you'd changed, for me. That we were happily together but no, you decided to say we were just friends. Why? Do you want to be just friends?" I rambled, my rant dripping with emotion. 

"Fuck no, of course I don't. I didn't know what to do. Elana please. I can't lose you, not again. Give me another chance."  He begged. 

"How many more chances Niall, huh? I usually give people three or four before I realise I'm a fucking idiot."

"Elana please, I need you more than anyone else could possibly need you, I need you to take care of me, I need you to help me change, I need you to put up with me, and most of all I need you to love me, because fuck do I love you. More than anyone. I mess up a lot, you know I do, but I try, I try so hard and the only reason I'm still here Is because of you. If I lose you I don't think I'd be able to hold onto this new Niall much longer. I like this me and I don't want to go back to being the devil in disguise." He stopped for a moment, catching his breath. The only sound was the rare car that passed the parking lot and our heavy breathing. 

"Elana I love running my fingers through your hair, I love playfighting with you, I love the sneaky little touches we have when we're around each other, I love that you can be yourself around me, i love catching you staring at me and as soon as I see you look away and blush, I love how you get so flustered when I whisper in your ear, I love how you react to me, I love when you wear my clothes, I love spending hours cuddling into you, I love when you ask me if you look okay, even when you know I'll say you do because damn you look good in everything, I love hearing your voice, I love talking to you, making you laugh,  but most of all I fucking love you and correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure you love me too, and I hope to god you need me as much as I need you."



((This was a reasonably long chapter since I haven't updated all week, I can't say I'm ridiculously happy with it but it'll have to do, and I thought the ending was quite cute even though they're arguing. I know you may think they're arguing a lot but that needs to add up to the plot. It's a strange relationship. Also, I thought this story was going to stop at roughly 40 chapters, but I thought wrong because I still have so much I want to interpret into the plot that I have not yet, and you still don't know what Niall works as yet, apart from drug dealing, everyone knows about that, Elana including. I didn't really enjoy writing this when I got to about chapter 25/26 but now I'm really enjoying it and I'm glad because I have worked so hard with this book trying to get it right, and I know It's not perfect but It's the best I can do, I really hope you like it and hope that people actually read these authors notes? If you do thank you, ily. Anyway, I said I'd update tomorrow But I'll update today since you all deserve It for being amazing! ily all, stay strong chickas!))

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